金城 光子 Kinjyo Mitsuko
琉球大学教育学部紀要 第一部・第二部 (ISSN:03865738)
no.52, pp.121-128, 1998-03-31

The present study aims to assess the effects on mood of a free dynamic dance accompanying high speed music (Kachaasii,an Okinawan folk dance which performed an exciting atmosphere). A hundred and thirty old female (ages:60-83,average:72) were devided at random into 2 groups,Dance and Control groups. Dance group performed Kachasii, while the other was given a rest period. Both groups took pre- and post-tests of POMS. Nonparametoric analysis made it clear that Kachaasii had significant effects on 3 of 6 states of POMS. After of Kachaasii performing,Dnce group scored lower on Tension, Fatigue and Confusion. Therefore, it is tenable say that Kachaasii is effective enough to relax Tension, to decrease Fatigue,and to ameliorate Confusion. Incidentally, the effect of the Kachaasii practicing dancing wasn't admitted about Depression, Anger, and Confusion. It thought that this was because the feeling condition before these practicing dancing of the examinee was approaching the limit value of the measurement already.


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こんな論文どうですか? 高齢女性における急テンポ音楽に伴う自由躍動的舞踊の気分に及ぼす効果 : 琉球舞踊「カチャーシー」の効果に関する研究(金城 光子ほか),1998 https://t.co/GeLcXFKVpA
こんな論文どうですか? 高齢女性における急テンポ音楽に伴う自由躍動的舞踊の気分に及ぼす効果 : 琉球舞踊「カチャーシー」の効果に関する研究(金城 光子ほか),1998 https://t.co/GeLcXFKVpA
18 18 https://t.co/F5C6a9hyxB

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