廖 于晴
京都大学大学院教育学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13452142)
no.61, pp.383-395, 2015

This paper aims to clarify the changes in ideas on university education in Taiwan through analyzing the reasons why Open University couldn't confer degrees in the 1980s, and the subsequent movement toward the right to confer degrees in 1993, by analyzing the amendment of "University Act" and the enactment of relevant laws' proceedings. The content and purpose of university education have transformed from training professional talents into a variety of talents, which can be seen as a trend of deregulation of criteria of education. In addition to above, in order to contribute to social development, the access to university education has been broadened and the route to adults has been established. Thus university education can be provided to more people. In summary, the criteria of university education has changed from a restrictive view as training professional talents to a non-restrictive one as providing education to more people. Therefore, as long as the university-level knowledge can be conveyed, it can be recognized as university education.


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