渡辺 由加利
札幌市立大学研究論文集 = SCU journal of Design & Nursing (ISSN:18819427)
vol.8, no.1, pp.31-38, 2014-05-31

本研究の目的は,妊娠末期にある夫婦の情緒的関係に関連する要因を検討することである.対象は,初妊婦とその夫で妻202名,夫155名であった.重回帰分析を行った結果,妻と夫に共通の要因は,結婚満足度(妻β=0.533,夫β=0.442),出産育児の会話(妻β=0.215,夫β=0.221),結婚前の妊娠(妻β=0.132,夫β=0.209)であった.妻にのみ影響があった要因は,自尊感情(β=0.139),会話時間(β=0.147)であり,夫にのみ影響があった要因はソーシャル・サポート(β=0.147)であった.この違いは妻と夫の情緒的関係の受けとめ方に影響すると考える.妻と夫ともに出産育児の会話は,情緒的関係にポジティブに影響していることから,コミュニケーションを維持・促進するための支援の重要性が示唆された.また,結婚前の妊娠は,夫婦の情緒的関係にネガティブに影響しており,情緒的関係を築くうえでリスク要因として捉え,援助することが重要である.The objective of this study was to investigate factors that affect the marital emotional relationship in late pregnancy. Study subjects included 202 vives and 155 husbands. Multiple regression analysis showed that factors affecting the marital emotional relationship that were important to both the wife and husband were:satisfaction with marriage (wife, β=.533;husband, β=0.442), conversation about childbearing and rearing (wife, β=0.215; husband, β=0.221), and pregnancy before/after marriage (wife, β=0.132;husband,β=0.209). Factors affecting the marital relationship that were important to wives were self-esteem (β=0.139) and conversation time (β=0.147), and to husbands were social・support (β=0.147). Differences between wives and husbands in their attitude towards the emotional aspect of the martial relationship exist. Conversation during pregnancy had a positive effect on the emotional relationship and it was thought that conversation between partners is important in maintaining communication. Pregnancy before marriage had a negativeeffect on theemotionalaspect ofthemaritalrelationship and was thereforeconsidered a risk factor for developing negative emotional relationships; these relationships require support and counseling.


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#NowBrowsing CiNii 論文 -  妊娠末期にある夫婦の「情緒的関係」に影響を与える要因 https://t.co/mhN7tcP8dM

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