中原 雅人
言語情報科学 (ISSN:13478931)
vol.13, pp.139-156, 2015-03-01

Although a number of researchers have interpreted what J. Lacan had said about vision, most of their interpretations seem to be insufficient to grasp the essence of the Gaze (regard). This paper explains Lacan's concept of the Gaze through four steps: First of all, accounting for the function of "Lure" using an ethological study of Nicolas Tinbergen. Second, relating some examples of the Gaze referring to Sartre and Merleau-Ponty in the aspect of self-awareness. Third, distinguishing the Picture (tableau) from Painting (peinture), the Gaze from the eye by relating to the mimicry which is advocated by Roger Caillois. Finally, this paper integrates the arguments above and explains the painting contest of Zeuxis and Parrhasios. Therefore it reveals the meaning of "a triumph of the Gaze over the eye" and the object a. We find a relationship between the Gaze and the Idea designated by Plato.


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