深田 忠徳 フカダ タダノリ Fukada Tadanori
福祉社会学部論集 = Quarterly journal of welfare society (ISSN:13466321)
vol.33, no.4, pp.25-33, 2015-03

The purpose of this study, on the basis of historical documents related to soccer, is to reveal the watching formof soccer spectators in Japan.This study analyzed the spectators, referees and players.They are all memberswho constitute a soccer game. It is possibleto reveal watching form of soccer spectators from the overall structure of the game, by to consider them. Consequently, thewatching form of soccer spectators was not formed only by them. The rough play of players and the low skills of thereferees, had affected the watching form of soccer spectators.By soccer spectators interact with each other the referees and players who are a member of the game, the watching formof soccer spectators have been formed.


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