長谷川 隼人
一橋法学 (ISSN:13470388)
vol.14, no.3, pp.1017-1042, 2015-11

This article aims to elucidate the economic revitalization ideas of Nobusuke Kishi and review the political implication of the Japan Reconstruction League (Nihon Saiken Renmei, JRL) . Kishi's basic economic revitalization vision was identical to that of the Yoshida administration. However, Kishi took a critical attitude toward the economic policy of the Yoshida administration. Prime Minister Yoshida and the Liberal Party (LP) placed a high value on the market economy. In contrast with PM Yoshida, Kishi insisted that the government must embrace socialistic policy for economic revitalization. Therefore, he sympathized closely with the Rightist Socialist Party of Japan (RJSP) and the left wing in the Reform Party (Kaishinto, RP) . For that reason, Kishi and the JRL sought to create a new party dominated by the RJSP and RP to execute his economic view. They expected Mamoru Shigemitsu to assume the position of new party leader. However, the RJSP rejected the forging of a bipartisan coalition in order to avoid intraparty conflict and Mr. Shigemitsu assumed the position of RP leader. Thus the JRL's political plan was eventually aborted. In the aftermath, Kishi switched his political plan to change the LP, which tried to create the Progressive conservative party in order to execute his economic revitalization plan. Kishi used the constitutional revision agenda to galvanize conservative politicians.


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