宇田 正
生駒経済論叢 (ISSN:13488686)
vol.7, no.1, pp.15-40, 2009-07

現在のJR桜ノ宮駅は明治中期に私設大阪鉄道が当初春季の観桜客輸送需要に対応するために開設した。その後私設関西鉄道が大阪市内進入の前進拠点として自社の桜ノ宮駅を併設し, 網島からの進入線路も建設した。しかし間もなく大阪鉄道を買収合併した関西鉄道の経営方針の転換によって同社の桜ノ宮駅と進入線路のメリットが減少し, 明治40年に関西鉄道が国有化され国鉄城東線となり, さらに大正2年に元関西鉄道の桜ノ宮駅と進入線路が廃止された。国鉄編入後の城東線改築により旧私鉄時代の駅舎もなくなり, 同じ場所にあらたに設置された国鉄桜ノ宮駅も, 昭和戦前・戦後を通して長らく駅周辺が開発途上のまま, 旧態依然で現在に至っている。 近年ようやく駅周辺の再開発が進展しつつあるが, それでもこの駅がもっとも賑わいを見せるのは, 春の観桜期と夏の大川端花火イヴェントであるのは興味深い。 (英文) The Kansei Railway Co. Ltd., having promoted its influence in railway business world in Osaka in the mid-Meiji period, extended its route to Sakuranomiya station, which was constructed by its rival, the Osaka Railway Co. Ltd., for cherry blossom viewers at a riverside of the Yodogawa, and adjacently built its own new facility as a terminal station. Shortly after, however, the Kansei Railway bought out the Osaka Railway. It consequently acquired the more advantageous terminal station of Minatomachi, then transferred its administrative emphasis into there. Before long in the late Meiji period, the Kansei Railway was nationalised. Moreover, the abolishion of the extended line towards Sakuranomiya station of the former Ksnsei Railway in the early Taisho resulted in survival of Sakuranomiya station of Joto line in Japan National Railway (a railline originally constructed by the Osaka Railway), as an intermediate station. Thereafter the development of area around the station has been made little progress. The station building seems to be of simplicity, despite its location in a large city-it remains the unchanged condition. Although in the recent years a redevelopment project around the station has been gradually proceeding, it is still only in the cherry blossom season when this area extraordinarily livens up. The scene has unchanged for a century.


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CiNii 論文 -  明治中期・私設関西鉄道桜ノ宮線建設と桜ノ宮駅々勢の展開--私設大阪鉄道との関連を中心に https://t.co/1YyAkcGz2g これは強くおすすめできます。

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