坂本 久子
近畿大学九州短期大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09164383)
no.36, pp.1-15, 2006

The Walters Art Museum in Baltimore in U.S.A. possesses a significant number of objects from the Japanese exhibits at the Centennial Exhibition. These objects were almost brought by William Walters ( 1819 - 1894 ) and Henry Walters ( 1845 - 1931 ). It is said that they purchased nearly 400 objects from the Centennial Exhibition. In this report the 204 objects are introduced. Of the 204 objects, 139 have been evaluated as definitely coming from the Centennial Exhibition and the 65 of them have yet to be definitely classed as exhibits from the Exhibition. They are mainly lacquer ware, ceramics, bronzes ware, and silver ware.


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