伊佐 雅子 いさ まさこ Isa Masako 人文学部英語コミュニケーション学科教授・異文化コミュニケーション学
沖縄キリスト教学院大学論集 = Okinawa Christian University Review (ISSN:13498479)
no.12, pp.36-49, 2016-03

本研究は、大学が実施している短期の海外研修プログラム(ハワイ研修、海外幼児教育研修、海外ボランティア実習)が学生たちの自信感にどのように影響しているのかを調べた。調査の結果、「自信感」には、4因子(「自己肯定感」、「人間関係構築力」、「有能感」、「立ち直り力」)が抽出された。従来、能力的側面や自己評価的側面が重視されていた自信であるが、本研究では"生きる力"にも大きく関連している「人間関係構築力」と厳しい状況からなる「立ち直る力」も含んでいる。海外ボランティア研修参加者は、語学研修参加者に比べ、参加前、参加後とも「自信感」が高く、特に「人間関係構築力」と「立ち直り力」は高かった。一方、語学研修者と海外幼児教育参加者の「自信感」の伸びがみられた。今後は、「自信感」尺度に加え、「自己効力感」尺度も入れて、大学生の海外研修の効果を調査していきたい。The purpose of this study was to examine how three kinds of overseas short-term study programs, such as an intensive language program, a program in early childhood care and education, and volunteer work-study had an impact on college students confidence-building. Factor analysis of the Confidence Scale scores identified four essential factors for developing confidence: "self-affirmation" "ability to build interpersonal relationships" "sense of capability" and "ability to recover", all of which suggest that confidence encompassed not only factors pertaining to competence and self-evaluation, but also to their ability to build interpersonal relationships and to recover from difficult situations. Members of the overseas volunteer work-study group scored high on confidence building, especially, in the "ability to build interpersonal relationships" and the "ability to recover" in the pre-test and post-test compared with members of the intensive language program. On the other hand, in the intensive language program and early childhood care and education groups, members' scores in confidence building appeared to have improved because of their intercultural experience. These findings, however, suggest that further study on the impact of study abroad of college students should be carried by using a confidence-building scale including a self-efficacy scale(SES).


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