古矢 千雪
広島文化女子短期大学紀要 (ISSN:09137068)
vol.16, pp.61-66, 1983-09-30

This study is a continuation of the last study to investigate the synesthetic response to the musical stimulus. The subjects were 67 students of music course in Exp.1 and 20 students selected by the preliminary research, in Exp.2. They were indicated to answer their sense experiences in hearing music and noted not to take the attitude of judgement or association. Questions: 1. Do your body move or you feel your body move? 2. Do you experience the physiological change, for example, heart beat fast? If so, discribe. 3. Do you see or feel to see light? 4. Do you see or feel to see color? 5. Do you smell or feel to smell anything? 6. Do you touch or feel to touch anything? 7. Do you taste or feel to taste anything? The example of the answer: a. No, I don't., b. Yes, I feel slightly to-., c. Yes, I feel fairy to- ., d. Yes, I seem to actually-., e. Yes, I actually see (touch, smell, etc.). If you feel or actually do, discribe the contents. The stimulus was the same as Exp.2 in the last study, the first phrases of the Respighi's Pini di Roma. The main results were as follows: In Exp.1, the 25 subjects felt body move or actually moved, 12 felt their physiological change, 38 felt light, 25 felt color and 6 felt touch. The appearance of responses was similar as Exp. 2 in the last study. In Exp. 2, the synesthetic responses, colorhearing, were appeard in 3 subjects. They answerd, "I don't look the thing colored but feel the color vividly, like as see that acutually in mind". There was the color-hearing, in some cases, I think, formed by conditioning in childhood.


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こんな論文どうですか? 音楽的知覚に関する研究 (V) : 音楽刺激に対する共感覚的反応(古矢 千雪),1983 https://t.co/lsaWUE438e

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