古矢 千雪
広島文化女子短期大学紀要 (ISSN:09137068)
vol.15, pp.1-7, 1982-08-15

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the synesthetic response to the musical stimulus. The subjects were 199 students in Exp. 1 and 187 students in Exp. 2. They were indicated to answer their sense experiences such as, vision, smell, touch, taste, body movement and physiological change, in hearing music, according to the following questions. There were noted not to take the attitude of judgement or association. 1. Do your body move or you feel your body move? 2. Do you experience the physiological change, for example, heart beat fast? If so, discribe. 3. Do you see or feel to see light? 4. Do you see or feel to see color? 5. Do you smell or feel to smell anything? 6. Do you touch or feel to touch anything? The example of the answer: a. No, I don't., b. Yes, I feel slightly to-., c. Yes, I feel fairy to-., d. Yes, I seem to actually-., e. Yes, I actually see (touch, smell, etc.). If you feel or actually do, discribe. The stimuli were the first phrases of the Mozart's 40th Symphony in Exp. 1 and the Respighi's Pini di Roma in Exp. 2, lasting 6 minutes. The main results were as follows: Except the sense of taste, the synesthetic responses or the synesthetic feeling were appeard more in Exp. 2 than in Exp. I, becausing the music was exciting or dynamic in Exp. 2. In Exp. 2, the 78 subjects felt body move or actually moved, 41 felt their physiological change, 99 felt or see light, 62 felt or see color, 2 felt smell and 13 felt touch. The point which deserve our attention to these studies, I think, is how to find the effective stimulus for the synesthetic response and how to discriminate the real response and feeling from the associations.


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こんな論文どうですか? 音楽的知覚に関する研究 (Ⅳ) : 音楽刺激に対する共感覚的反応(古矢 千雪),1982 https://t.co/sBGOZI4fyz

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