李 玲
広島国際研究 = Hiroshima journal of international studies (ISSN:13413546)
vol.22, pp.61-71, 2016

This study focuses on the concept of "face," which is regarded as an important concept that shapes Chinese behavior in daily life, and clarifies the relationship between face and consumer behavior in the Chinese market. Based on various discussions in the literature, the framework of face, as it relates to consumer behavior, is defined as the psychological satisfaction obtained from the results of an individual's image management. The purpose of image management is to extract a desired response or evaluation from others, and can be achieved through consumption. Chinese people tend to have strong face consciousness. Based on the framework of face's influence mechanism discussed in his study, the amount of face perception as a positive impact on purchase intention.


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中国人の消費行動と面子についてはこの論文が分かりやすいかな。 システム的な面に目を取られがちだけど、文化的なコミュニティ論と消費者行動論の結びつきって強力なんだよね。 中国の消費者行動をよむ場合は、儒教や佛教、道教に加えて教育面なんかに焦点当てても面白い。 https://t.co/kqIgQPZ72p https://t.co/PXqnM2PiVQ

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