石原 俊時
經濟學論集 (ISSN:00229768)
vol.81, no.2, pp.31-64, 2017-01-01

スウェーデン救貧連盟は,1918年の救貧法改革の実現に貢献した有力な圧力団体として注目されてきた.また,その児童福祉に関わる活動も,スウェーデンの児童福祉の発展に重要な役割を果たしたことが知られている.しかし,このように活動の一部に関心が集中する一方で,そもそもこの団体が如何なる課題をもち,どのような活動を展開したのかを検討する作業は十分行われてこなかった.そこで,本稿では,担った課題や活動の展開を万遍なく把握することを通じて,この団体の全体像を明らかにし,それによりこの団体がスウェーデン福祉国家の形成に果たした歴史的役割を解明することを試みることとする.この第2部では,救貧連盟の設立過程を扱い,この団体が如何なる課題をもって設立されたのかを見ていく.Svenska fattigvårdsförbundet is known as the influential pressure group which had played an important role in establishment of new poor law of 1918. Its activities for child welfare has also attracted attention because of its remarkable contribution to the development of child welfare in Sweden. But man has not sufficiently scrutinized for which purposes this organization was established or how and what kind of activities this organization had developed. In this article we try to grasp whole aspect of this organization through examining the problems this organization took and the activities that unfolded. In that way we want to elucidate which role Svenska fattigvårdsförbundet had played in the formation of the Swedish welfare state. In this part of this article we discuss the establishing process in order to clarify aims of this organization when it was founded.論文/Article


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