大木 茂
麻布大学雑誌 = Journal of Azabu University (ISSN:13465880)
vol.13, pp.11-24, 2007-03-31

The purpose of this paper was to clarify the structural changes in sanchoku producer organizations (direct purchasing between co-op and producer organization). Since the 1990s based on the survey of consumer coop A's producer organizations. We also make some suggestions for the coop sanchoku business model. Sanchoku were started in the 1970s in order to obtain safe foods, which are low in agricultural chemicals. Throughout the 1980s sanchoku coops developed continuously, establishing safe food supply systems. But in the 1990s', coop retail busineses faced difficulties, especially with fresh food collection and supply systems. In 2002, mislabeling and use of non-permitted pesticide was discovered. Sanchoku coops were seriously damaged with sales falling by half. As a result of our survey we reached some conclusions. 1) Producer organizations are diversifying in each food category with regard to size, area, purpose, and sales volume. 2) Especially, type of management is getting diverse. 3) Most farmers just focus on their farm management. They aren't concerned about their local society and other farmers. Moreover, there are some differences among their points of view. Rice farmers tend to have a viewpoint of their local area. Fruits & vegetable farmers focus on the quality of their produce more than other farmers. Stockbreeding farmers have concentrated on the survival of their own farm or company. These results suggest that coops should build alliances with producer organizations in order to control or keep priority of their fresh food buying-distribution systems. If coops can't tie up with producer organizations, the food system might become supervised by big powerful agribusinesses. Under such a system we would never know any information without it being provided by big companies.


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こんな論文どうですか? 生鮮食品取引における産地構造の変化 : A生協における産直産地調査からの一考察(大木 茂),2007 https://t.co/5Ou6G1UI4L

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