長津 結一郎 髙坂 葉月 中村 美亜 尾本 章
芸術工学研究 (ISSN:13490915)
vol.26, pp.65-78, 2018-01-22

This paper examines the role of local radio in relation to inter-regional community development. Collaborative action research was conducted as a project based on a partnership between academia and local radio in Fukuoka, Japan. Research was undertaken in the following steps; 1) co-production of a radio program that invited local creative talent, and a participatory exhibition themed on the connection of urban and rural regions, 2) post-project interviews, 3) analysis and modeling of the two projects and the relationships between various actors. It was found that, some urban listeners built empathy for rural regional issues aired on the program, and spurred them to action, leading to the development of communities. Empathy for local issues, as felt by the radio host, emerged as an important factor influencing listener involvement. Through this research, the potentiality of radio was demonstrated as an affective medium for interregional community development.


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