Oka Shin-ichiro Miyamoto Kei 岡 慎一郎 宮本 圭
琉球大学資料館 (風樹館)
Fauna Ryukyuana (ISSN:21876657)
vol.20, pp.1-6, 2015-05-23

The morphology of pelagic juveniles of Plectroglyphidodon johnstonianus (Perciformes, Pomacentridae) is reported on the basis of two specimens collected from the offshore region of Aguni Island, Okinawa, Japan. The juveniles were identified using morphometric and genetic evidence. The juveniles were characterized by their round body, elongated pectoral fin, and melanophore pigmentation pattern. In addition, fresh specimens had a large red spot on the lateral side of the body.


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こんな論文どうですか? 形態および遺伝的証拠から同定したルリメイシガキスズメダイ (硬骨魚綱スズキ目スズメダイ科) の浮遊期稚魚(Oka Shin-ichiroほか),2015 https://t.co/1q1y2puFD2 沖縄県粟国島沖で採集さ…
こんな論文どうですか? 形態および遺伝的証拠から同定したルリメイシガキスズメダイ (硬骨魚綱スズキ目スズメダイ科) の浮遊期稚魚(Oka Shin-ichiroほか),2015 https://t.co/1q1y2puFD2

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