尾上 貴行
天理大学おやさと研究所年報 (ISSN:1341738X)
no.24, pp.25-46, 2018-03-26

本稿では、天理教がハワイで組織的な伝道活動を開始した1930年代から伝道体制を確立した1950年代までの期間に注目し、ハワイ日系移民社会また日本社会との関係を検証しながら、ハワイにおける天理教の布教活動とその特徴を明らかにすることを試みている。19世紀後半に開教した仏教や神道などの日系宗教と同様に、天理教はハワイの日系移民社会を基盤として活動を展開し、日米開戦前には日系移民社会のおいて主要な教団の1つとなった。戦後の復興期にハワイ諸島の活動を統括するハワイ伝道庁が設立されるとハワイでの伝道体制が確立し、日本の教会本部との強い繋がりを維持しながら、布教師たちは日米両国や各地域に限定されないトランスナショナルな存在として、変容するハワイ社会や日系移民社会に対応していった。1990年以降様々な分野でトランスナショナルな研究が盛んになっている。これまでハワイの日系宗教研究の中で比較的蓄積が少ないとされる新宗教に関して、その一つである天理教の伝道を日系移民社会と日本社会の歴史的、社会的、宗教的文脈においてトランスナショナルな視点から読み解くことで、戦前から戦後にかけてのハワイ日系移民社会の変容への理解を深めることにもなるだろう。This paper—with focus on the period between the 1930s when Tenrikyo launched organized missionary work in Hawaii and the 1950s when its missionary system was established—attempts to review Tenrikyo's relationship with the Japanese immigrant society in Hawaii and the Japanese society to clarify Tenrikyo's missionary activities and their characteristics in Hawaii. As was the case with such Japanese religions as Buddhism and Shintoism whose centers opened in the latter half of the 19th century, Tenrikyo carried out activities in Hawaii with the Japanese immigrant society as its foundation and became one of the major religions in the society before the start of war between Japan and the U.S. During the postwar reconstruction period, the Mission Headquarters of Hawaii was set up to supervise its activities in the Hawaiian Islands, thereby establishing the missionary system in Hawaii. While maintaining strong ties to Church Headquarters in Japan, missionaries worked transnationally without being bound only to either Japan or the U.S. or to a specific location and responded to the changing Hawaiian and Japanese immigrant societies. Transnational studies have actively been conducted in various fields since the 1990s. Japanese new religions are considered to have been studied relatively little in the field of Japanese religions in Hawaii. Applying a transnational perspective to the study of the mission of Tenrikyo—one of the new religions—in the historical, social, and religious context of the Japanese immigrant society in Hawaii and the Japanese society will help deepen the understanding of the transformation of the Japanese immigrant society during the prewar-topostwar period.


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