名古屋大学人文学フォーラム (ISSN:24332321)
no.1, pp.93-106, 2018-03-31

Japan has the south part of Middle-East Railway and the right to operate of Fushun Coal after the Russo-Japanese War. In 1906, Japan established the South Manchu Railway Co. Ltd. and a number of immigrants from Japan as pioneers take this opportunity to 'develop' Manchu. At meanwhile, the local culture influence and interfere with "Manchu Railway". Japan began to publish newspaper and magazine in Manchu, which is known as "Cultural Development". For instance, the official magazine called THE LIGHT of MANCHURIA, which published by The Culture Association of Manchuria in 1920; it has been renamed as MANCHURIA. Japan is study the data about China in detail that basis on the survey and research though the newspapers and magazines. The main purpose of the study is the crucial task of national characteristic. According to the MANCHURIA, the Ballad of national character and social reality has become the most important reflects in the research. In the 1930s, a number of study books of Chinese folk songs have been published in Manchu. Some of them even still republished after the war. On this paper research is based on the MANCHURIA, which will focus on the Japanese interests at that age. As start the analyses on the data of Chinese folk songs or Manchu folk songs, and explain the study of how the Japan observe the Chinese society by folk songs study, and what is the role of folk songs played in this process. In addition, this paper also discusses the change of Chinese folk songs from 20s to 40s. This paper is divided into five parts, Japanese studies of Chinese folk songs and question consciousness; Chinese national character in folk songs; the imag e of China or Chinese in folk songs; the different landscape in Manchuria's new folk songs; resistance and marginalization of political folk songs.


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王 占一「戦前戦時における中国民謡の機能 : 雑誌『満蒙』を中心に」名古屋大学人文学フォーラム (1), 93-106, 2018-03-31 名古屋大学大学院人文学研究科図書・論集委員会 https://t.co/lZqAmaz0hY

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