田村 亮子
清泉女学院大学人間学部研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Human Studies Seisen Jogakuin College (ISSN:21893632)
no.16, pp.41-54, 2019-03-15

The Ministry of Education and Science has decided to replace the English Test for the National Center Test for University Admissions with private-sector English tests (e.g.Eigokentei, TOEFL, TOEIC.et.al) . One of the biggest problems of this change of policy is the appropriateness and fairness of using the results of different kinds of tests as a standard for university admissions. The Ministry of Education and Science is going to use CEFR as the index with which the scores of different kinds of exams are compared. This study examines the kind of problems that will emerge from this change of policy.


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こんな論文どうですか? 大学入試共通テストへの民間試験の導入は何が問題か(田村 亮子),2019 https://t.co/2sm33rj2uq

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