森 爲三
公益社団法人 日本畜産学会
日本畜産学会報 (ISSN:1346907X)
no.4, pp.90-112, 1929

There have always been two Kinds of horses produced in Korea, viz., the Mongolian Horse and the Korean Pony. The fact these two kinds have existed since ancient time, can be seen from the following description of the bones and accounts taken from Chinese and Korean books:<br>I have examined the bones and teeth which were unearthed at Mirinri, near Heijo, at Ganjiri, near Keijo, at Kinkai, near Fusan, and at Yuki, in NorthEastern Korea, all these places containing remains of the Korean Stone Age (to be more exact, Eneolithic Period). My thorough examination shows that they all fit in with those of Horses, and this fact proves that they (Mongolian Horses) existed in Korea in ancient times. But I cannot find any bones or teeth of the Korean Pony in the remains of the Korean Stone Age. I find that, in old, Chinese literature, such as "Gokan-jo", "Gishi", and in one of the Korean classics, "Sangokushi", etc., the existence of Korean Ponies in olden times is mentioned under the names of "Kwa-ka-ba", "horse that-goes-under-fruit-trees" (which means that a man on horse back can rides under a fruit tree) and also under the name of "San-jaku-uma", "three-feet horse" (which means that its shoulder height was three feet). Now I wish to explain to which families these two kinds belong and from which regions they have come and settled into these parts.<br>Evidently Mongolian Horses belong to the "Steppe-horse" family, and have come from Mongolia via Manchuria, and spread all over Korea. This Mangolian Horse is considered by some scholars to be the Przevalskii Horse domesticated, and this opinion is supported by other scholars. Dr. Hikohichiro Matsumoto (in 1915) held that the Equus leptostylus unearthed in a stratum of the Pleistocene period in Hunan, China, resembles the Przevalskii Horse. Judging from the foregoing facts the lineage of the Mongolian Horse in Korea can be shown in the following way:<br>Equus leptastylus&rarr;Equus przevalskii&rarr;Mongolian Horse&rarr;Mongolian Horse in Korea.<br>Next, the Korean Pony belongs the "Mountain-horse" family ("Bergpferd" in German) and I learn from the descriptions by Mr. Emil Brass (1904) and by Dr. Shinhichiro Yoshida (1926) that the Korean Pony very much resembles the pony living in the mountainous districts of Sze-chuan, Yunnan, and Kwei-chau, China.<br>On the other hand, as Dr. Kotondo Hasebe (1925) has explained from the result of his examinations of the Radius unearthed at Taimizu and Metatarsus unearthed at Atsuta, both being the remains of the Japanese Stone Age, it is clear that in Japan too, there were ponies in her stone age.<br>My own opinion, on comparing the above bones with those of a Korean Pony and on finding that they were much alike, is that the pony which lived in the Japanese Stone Age and the Korean Pony are nearly related. Moreover, when I compare the bones of the Satsuma horse living in the South-Western part of Japan with that of the Korean Pony, and closely examine both, I find there exists a very distinct similarity. Another noteworthy, thing is that while Korean Ponies have not proceeded beyond the Yalu and the Tumen, the Northern frontier rivers, they are scattered in the south, as far, as in Tsushima, Oki, and Quelpart Islands.<br>From the above relations, it may be considered that in ancient times, the Sze-chuan Pony (which lived in Sze-chuan and Yunnan, China) were brought over to Japan, in the stone age, and from there introduced into Korea, in the stone age.<br>As we read in old Chinese literature, such as "Jiga", "Sankaikyo", that there lived in Chinese frontier districts some wild-ponies, it is quite probable that the Sze-chuan Pony is this wild pony domesticated in ancient times.


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こんな論文どうですか? 朝鮮馬の系統(豫報)(森 爲三),1929 https://t.co/6U8sQiQkCL There have always been two Kinds of horses produced in Korea, viz.…

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