信原 克哉
整形外科と災害外科 (ISSN:00371033)
vol.23, no.4, pp.514-517, 1974

Although the recent literature abounds with explanations for rotator cuff injury and its diagnosis, there do not appear to be consistent observations concerning a well established treatment regimen. Many observations and questions have arisen which concern such matters as ability of the rotator cuff to heal and the relationship of rotator cuff pathology to its etiology. These statements generally indicate that rotator cuff injury is usually caused by trauma to a prevously degenerated tendon. More important than this matter, however, is the idea that treatment by suture alone is not enough. A coherent program including immobilization of the upper limb and other postoperative measures is essential. In this connection, an important consideration in the recovery of glenohumeral motion is that the fundamental function of the rotator cuff may be one of guiding the movement of the greater tubercle.


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CiNii 論文 -  肩周辺軟部組織の損傷 ✅これに関連して、肩甲上腕の動きの回復における重要な考慮事項は、回旋筋腱板の基本的な機能が大結節の動きをガイドする機能の1つである可能性があることです 信原 克哉.1974 https://t.co/PKvCfoLj8b #CiNii

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