向井 章悟 中川 泰彰 田中 慶尚
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.36, no.3, pp.1037-1040, 2012

The symptoms of cartilage injury of humeral head are not well known. We experienced two cases of traumatic cartilage injury of humeral head in American football players.<BR>Both cases were young(21 and 20 years old), male college American football players and they were both running backs. The first case complained of motion pain for 1 year since he had fallen on his left shoulder after a tackle. This case showed osteoarthritic change and impression fracture of humeral head. The second case complained of pain and felt a click in abduction-external rotation after a blunt hit on his right shoulder by tackle one week before. The MRI showed Bankart lesion and cartilage injury of humeral head.<BR>In both cases, full thickness cartilage defects of humeral head were observed and these lesions were engaged to the anteroinferior edge of glenoids when the shoulders were abducted and externally rotated. They were treated by arthroscopic Bankart repair and returned to the sports after standard rehabilitation. Now they are relieved of their symptoms.<BR>There are few reports of cartilage injury of humeral head because the diagnosis is difficult without arthroscopy. These two lesions are located in the posterior portion of humeral head, which is different from typical Hill-Sachs lesions. There are cartilage lesions in anterior glenoid in both cases, which may induce the symptoms such as subluxation or click in abducted-external rotated position. These cases reveal that cartilage injury of humeral head is not rare in high-energy injury, especially in collision sports.


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