佐藤 猛
vol.1, no.2, pp.12-16,44, 1947

In Germany, the cement bag industry started about 40-50 years ago. The development of the same industry in the United States gave an impetus to the improvement of German cement bag manufacture. In the beginning, they were made from kraft paper imported from Northern Europe. The improvement of the cement bag industry of Germany owed much to Prof. Hertzberg. A great progress was made in the quality of cement bags when the paper was standardized. Owing to the control of importation and the increased demand of paper. bags, there was a shortage of home-made kraft paper and as a result, sulfite pulp had to be mixed to a great extent, causing deterioration in paper quality. The writer points out many difficulties thus overcomed in Germany and wants to encourage especially those engaged in the manufacture of cement bag paper in Japan.


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