Sy Rody G Cutiongco Eva Maria C Punzalan1 Felix Eduardo R Santos Ronald S Geronimo Francis Ruel B Tangco Rogelio V
一般社団法人 日本動脈硬化学会
Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis (ISSN:13403478)
vol.14, no.3, pp.116-121, 2007

Aim: Background: HDL-C has emerged as an important independent predictor of cardiovascular disease. The FNRI-HDL and NNHes Study Group in the Philippines reported that there was a high prevalence of low HDL among Filipinos. Most cases of low HDL-C are associated with secondary causes like Metabolic Syndrome. A primary cause of reduced HDL-C such as increase Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein activity has been identified. Objectives: 1. To determine the phenotype and frequency of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (TaqIB) polymorphism among Filipinos with cardiovascular risk factors. 2. To determine the association of TaqIB polymorphism with HDL-C levels among Filipinos with cardiovascular risk factors. Design: Cross-sectional Study. Setting: University of the Philippines-Philippine General Hospital. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive statistics, Chi square test and Fisher's correlation test using Stata version 6.<BR>Methods: Fifty patients were included in this pilot study and were examined with respect to genotype, lipid profiles, blood sugar and other cardiovascular risk factors. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) and Agarose Gel Electrophoresis techniques were used to determine the CETP TaqIB Polymorphism.<BR>Results: Out of 50 patients, 66% were females and 34% were males with a mean age of 55 y/o and a BMI of 27 kg/m&sup2;. The following risk factors were identified: hypertension (92%), dyslipidemia (88%), obesity (68%), smoking (50%), diabetes mellitus type 2 (18%) and family history of premature CAD (14%). The genotype frequencies of B1B1; B1B2; B2B2 were 40%; 50% 10% respectively. The B1B1 homozygote was associated with lower HDL-C levels (45.35 &plusmn; 8.82 mg/dL) compared to B1B2 (48.96 &plusmn; 10.10 mg/dL) and B2B2 (48.99 &plusmn; 10.13 mg/dL)). <BR>Conclusions: Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (TaqIB) Polymorphisms exist among Filipinos with cardiovascular risk factors. The frequency of TaqIB polymorphism among Filipinos with cardiovascular risk factors were B1B1 (40%), B1B2 (50%) and B2B2 (10%). B1B1 polymorphism is more common than B2B2 and associated with low HDL-C.


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こんな論文どうですか? Human Cholestryl Ester Transfer Protein (TaqIB) Polymorphism among Fil(Sy Rody Gほか),2007 https://t.co/QbYrfkNQfM…

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