横川 英彰 中島 章典 緒方 友一 青戸 清剛 笠松 正樹
公益社団法人 土木学会
構造工学論文集 A (ISSN:1881820X)
vol.54, pp.209-217, 2008

In this research, we examine the reproducibility of the actual dynamic behavior of the simple viaduct model with the pseudo-ground by the dynamic response analysis. First, we conduct the vibration test of the pier and superstructure member, and the movable bearing. Second, we identify the damping property from the experimental results. Third, we construct the numerical model according to the test model so as to reproduce the natural frequency and the damping property of the viaduct model. Finally, we try to reproduce the vibrational behavior with the pseudo-ground by the dynamic response analysis of the numerical model which is constructed on the basis of the finite element method with the rotational spring and dashpot at the pier base. As a result, the dynamic behavior of the viaduct model is successfully reproduced by the numerical model under the earthquake excitation rather than another numerical model considering Rayleigh damping matrix.


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こんな論文どうですか? 基部からの逸散減衰の影響を含む高架橋模型の振動実験とその解析(横川 英彰ほか),2008 https://t.co/sa1lbRP9sD

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