中川 泰彰 松末 吉隆 中村 孝志
Japan Shoulder Society
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.22, no.2, pp.161-164, 1998

Purpose: We have previously reported that shoulder pain was the fourth, and disability was the second problem for sumo* wrestlers. We examined sumo wrestlers directly in order to study the shoulder problems in sumo.<BR>Materials and Methosds: Forty-three major league Western Japan Student Sumo Federation sumo wrestlers were examined from February to April 1997. Their means were as follows: height-174.4cm,ght-106.2kg, body mass index-34.9, age -19.3 years old and length of sumo career- 9.5 years. We obtained their past histories, present disabilities, physical examination, ranges of motion and shoulder joint laxities. Results Twenty-two cases (51%) had past histories of the shoulder problems, which were 10 cases (23%) of shoulder dislocations,5 cases (12%) of contusions,4 cases ( 9 %) of acromioclavicular dislocations and so on. Seven cases (16%) had present disabilites, which were 2cases of shoulder dislocations,2 cases of acromioclavicular joint dislocations and so on. According to this study, the less heavy sumo wrestlers tended to injure and dislocate their shoulders more, and the number who complained of shoulder problems increased, with the length of sumo careers. There were no significant influences seen between the ranges of motion, shoulder joint laxities and shoulder problems.<BR>Conclusion: The lighter sumo wrestlers tended to injure and dislocate their shoulders more. It interfered with the wrestling of sumo, who had previously dislocated their shoulder.


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