佐藤 浩平 津田 修吾 坂本 健 重永 章 大高 章
反応と合成の進歩シンポジウム 発表要旨概要
vol.37, pp.180, 2011

Native chemical ligation (NCL), featuring the coupling of thioester peptides and N-terminal cysteinyl peptides, has shown great utility in chemical synthesis of a wide variety of proteins. Preparation of large proteins requires a sequential NCL using more than two peptide fragments. For this purpose, kinetically controlled NCL, developed by Kent and co-workers, has been preferentially used to yield much success in a sequential one-pot three-fragment coupling. In this study, we will report a more reliable alternate to the Kent's protocol with the use of an <I>N</I>-sulfanylethylanilide (SEAlide) peptide as a thioester equivalent. Furthermore, an unprecedented one-pot four-fragment coupling under kinetic conditions using a combination of our method and Kent's kinetic reaction will be also discussed.


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こんな論文どうですか? タンパク質化学合成を指向したワンポット4成分連続縮合法の開発(佐藤 浩平ほか),2011 https://t.co/Kz6kRglvPN Native chemical ligation (NCL), featuring t…

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