石毛 博
犯罪心理学研究 (ISSN:00177547)
vol.22, no.2, pp.35-50, 1985

<p>The number of stimulant(methamphetamine) abusers in our country is on a continuous increase now and this tendency is one of our serious social problems.</p><p>There are two purposes in this study; One is to clarify the traits of stimulant-dependent prisoners and another is to understand the psycho-social factors of stimulant dependence.</p><p>On this study fifty male prisoners were used as subjects who had used stimulant drurgs more than five hundred times for a period of over five years.</p><p>The statistical data on the subjects was analyzed by making a comparison with two different control groups of prisoners; First, a group with experience in the occasional use of stimulant drugs, secondly, a group with no experience in the use of stimulant drugs.</p><p>The results of this research were summarized as follows;</p><p>(1) The major conditions that prisoners involved with stimulant abuse were; their connection with violent gangs(YAKUZA), living in idleness, having early criminal careers, and/or personality traits of over-activity.</p><p>(2) The personal factors causing stimulant dependence were; their abuse of stimulants to avoid unpleasant feelings, abuse at a young age, involvement with first delinquency during late teens, and vanity or lack of strong will type of personality.</p><p>The following personal factors for people in general, with stimulant dependence were found to be important; a socially immature personality(i.e. dependent and/or narcissistic), contact with delinquent subculture in adolescence(confusion of self-identification), and the lack of ability to control their emotions during difficult times.</p>


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こんな論文どうですか? 覚せい剤依存受刑者の特性と依存形成要因についての調査研究(石毛 博),1985 https://t.co/RudwqJGO7d <p>The number of stimulant(methamphetamine) abus…

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