栗本 眞好
印度學佛教學研究 (ISSN:00194344)
vol.67, no.2, pp.815-812, 2019

<p>Since the Zen sect arrived in Japan during the Kamakura period, Zen temples have played the role of a place for samurai to study Bushidō and neo-Confucian philosophy.</p><p>By the Meiji restoration, the role of the temple as an academic place was much reduced, but it did not change even after the restoration, and among the so-called "right wing" who kept longing for Bushidō, Zen meditation held an important place.</p><p>Although he decided to become an activist of the armed communist party and dropped out of Tokyo Imperial university, Tanaka Kiyoharau who turned from leftist ideas to conservation, Tokyo Imperial University, Uesugi Shinkichi's "emperor sovereign theory" was depressed, Uesugi after death, he studied under Inoue Nisyo, was questioned responsibility for conviction to the clan team case, and two of Yoshitaka Yotsumoto who served as prisoners, in the young age, Yamamoto Genpo who was a priest of Ryotakuji in Shizuoka prefecture I will refer to the footprints that became big fixers to move the successive regimes after the war based on what I realized through his experiences, from the standpoint of those who studied at the sect school of graduate schools of zen sect.</p>


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こんな論文どうですか? 戦後のフィクサーたちの参禅(栗本 眞好),2019 https://t.co/JpoI5i8lih <p>Since the Zen sect arrived in Japan during the Kamakura per…

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