小林 哲治
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2019, 2019

<p>Recently the hardware & software technology is improved, many kinds of technologies are developed and adopted to NDT. Especially, in oversea country, the robotics technology is used positively for NDT work. The reason why these technologies are used in oversea is the convenience at first. The advantage of using robotics technology is that it can get the reliable inspection data, reduce outage time & costs for the project. And using robotics technology, it can access the location where an engineer cannot access with safety, for example, Confined spaces (Tank inside), Elevated pipes (pipes at the production facility). Additionally, other main reason is the manpower. Same as recent Japanese industrial market, the lack of manpower is big problem in oversea country. And more, the labor accident during the work at confined spaces, height location and hazardous environment is critical issue same as Japan. Although robotics technology is not perfect, the usage of robotics technology can solve many problems in the present industry. The following is example which the robotics technology is used for NDT work to do the plant maintenance.</p>


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