張 厚泉
通訳翻訳研究 (ISSN:18837522)
vol.20, pp.67-79, 2020

Nishi Amane wanted to learn Sorai Studies but his wish did not come true because he was ordered by the feudal lord to study Neo-Confucianism. However, he succeeded in embracing modern Western scholarly ideas with Sorai Studies. This research clarifies Nishi Amane's translation, which connects the modern West and Japan, from two angles: the Confucian element of the translated word and the translation thought. In terms of word translation, it's just like translating "Intellectual science" and "Physical science" into "心理上ノ学" and "物理上ノ学" respectively. While criticizing the Confucian "Li(理)", Nishi Amane created new words to express abstract concepts on the basis of "Li(理)".Regarding translational thoughts, Nishi Amane inherited Sorai's criticism of Confucianism's "theory of correlation between heaven and man", cut off the continuity of "Li(理)" between heaven and man, and prepared systematic academic terms for the modernization of Japan.


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