中野 達哉
国文学研究資料館紀要. アーカイブズ研究篇 (ISSN:18802249)
no.9, pp.1-25, 2013-03

弘前藩は、国元と江戸で藩庁日記を作成・管理し、現在、弘前市立弘前図書館に津軽家文書として、弘前藩国日記は寛文元年(一六六一)六月から元治元年(一八六四)一二月の三二九九冊、弘前藩江戸日記は寛文八年(一六六八)五月から慶応四年(一八六八)三月の一二二五冊が現存する。藩庁日記は毎月ほぼ一冊ずつ作成されたが、寛文期より幕末までほぼ欠けることなく現存している状況は希有な例と言える。本稿では、これら日記を作成・管理した日記役に注目し、日記役が作成した「御日記役勤向覚記」を紹介・分析し、基礎的な考察を行った。そして、初期の日記役の職務は、藩庁日記の作成・管理と将軍家をはじめとする諸家(武家)との贈答に関わる記録の作成であり、その後職務が拡大し、さまざまな記録を作成するようになったこと、延宝三年(一六七五)に発令された日記役全般に関わる条目が基底となり日記役の職務が確定するとともに、この時期に藩庁日記の記述内容も整えられていること、日記役は寛文期から確認されているが、正徳二年(一七一二)に日記役が表右筆から分離するとともに、下役なども職制に位置づけられること、また、日記役の前役も、それ以前は御手廻り役であったのが、それ以降は御書物預・表右筆・日記物書など同種の役職からの転任へと変化することがみられ、専門性が高まったこと、そして、正徳二年の変化の背景には、藩主交代による藩政の転換があり、それに伴って変化したと考えられることなどを明らかにした。日記および日記役について考察したが、日記役の職務・地位が確立していくなかで、専門性も形成されていったのである。The Historical Documents of Hirosaki Domain were created and managed in Hirosaki and Edo. These Documents are currently stored in the Hirosaki Public Library as documents of the Tsugaru family, which contain 3,299 volumes of the HirosakiHanKuniNikki (Documents created in Hirosakifrom June l661 to December l864), and l,225 volumes of the HirosakiHanEdoNikki (Documents created in Edo from May l668 to March l868). The documents were produced approximately once a month, and the fact that almost all of them from the Kanbun Era (1661-1672) to the end of the Edo Period exists, is an extremely rare case. For this paper we focused on the record keepers who created and kept these documents, and to introduce some speculations about them, we analyzed the ''Record of the Record Keeper's Duties" created by the writers of the documents. During early period, their duties had been to create and manage the domain diaries and to record the exchange of gifts with shogun families and other samurai families. Afterward, their duties extended into many fields and they started to create various types of records. The stipulations regarding all record keeping were announced in l675, and they established the official duties of the record keepers. From this time, the descriptive contents of domain documents were fixed. Although the record keepers had been found from the Kanbun Era, in l713, they were separated from the " Omote Yuhitsu" (a type of secretary that existed in this era) and lower level officials were also arranged in the governmental organization. Previous record keepers had been OtemawariYaku (aides), but from this period, they were recruited from the similar positions such as general record keepers, "OmoteYuhitsu", chronicle writers, etc., so their professional standards of work were improved. We demonstrated that, behind these changes in l712, there was the shift of domain's politics caused by the change of the feudal lord. Considering the documents and the record keepers, we conclude that as the duties and position of the record keepers became clear; their specialization also took form.


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