坂倉 篤義
no.8, pp.98-114, 1985-03-01

Currently available dictionaries of pre-modern Japanese (kogojiten) tend to be biased towards representing the lexicon of classical literary texts. For example, entries under the word okashi in such dictionaries, with one or two exceptions, give, first of all, definitions such as (1) interesting, (2) tasteful or suggestive, (3) superior, or (4) lovely, and only supply in last place the definition (5) comical or funny. In some cases this last definition is omitted altogether.In the literature of the Heian court, especially the Makuranosōshi, noted for its thematization of okashi, the value of okashi, together with aware, occupies a dominant position, and in the case of this literature, it is indeed true that okashi can be understood, as a rule, within the compass of definitions (1) through (4) offered above. This usage of okashi remains, however, a distinctive feature of classical narrative literature of genres such as the nikki (diary) or monogatari (tale, recit). For other narrative genres, e.g. setsuwa (fables, anecdotal tales), definitions (1) through (4) of okashi are often inapplicable. Of the 94 instances of okashi in the Konjakumonogatari, (a setsuwa-shū) for example, as many as 42 call for the 5th definition above. (Such examples are especially frequent in books 24 and 28 of that work.) The infrequent appearance of okashi with sense (5) in Heian nikki snd monogatari is attributable to the subject matter of these genres. In texts of the medieval period and after, although okashi appears in sense (1) through (4) in the archaistic prose of the Tsurezuregusa and other texts, as an instance of bungo (the "literary style"), such occurences elsewhere are rare, and in general, okashi, in this period and after, always has sense (5), "laugh provoking" or "odd". In short, the word okashi has been used consistently with the senses of "laugh-provoking", "strange" ever since it was defined in the early Heian lexicon Shinsenjikyo as "waraubeshi anaokashi," and these are its original senses. The use of okashi in other senses in Heian literature represents a temporary expansion of the meaning of the term in literary language.If editors of dictionaries of pre-modern Japanese intend to present faithfully the lexicon-historical realities, they will have to make a departure from the tradition, which dates back to the Edo period, of inflating the importance of classical literary texts.
加藤 聖文
国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
vol.50, no.15, pp.1-16, 2019-03-15

敗戦時に大量の公文書が焼却処分されたという証言は数多い。しかし、具体的に何が焼却対象となったのか、またどのような経路で焼却が指示されたのかについて明らかになっていない点は多い。本稿では、国内でわずかに残存する焼却指示文書を手がかりに、敗戦時の焼却は内務省系統と軍系統の二系統が存在し、焼却対象となったのは内務省系統では法令に基づいた機密文書であり、軍系統では動員関係文書が中心であったことを論証していく。また、筆者はこれまでの文書焼却をめぐる研究が進まなかった要因は、焼却対象となった機密文書や兵事関係文書に関する分析がほとんど行われていなかったことにあると考える。したがって、本稿では機密文書および兵事関係文書の構造にも触れることで、今後の研究の進展の足掛かりとする。There are many testimonies that a large number of official documents were disposed of by burning at directly after the end of WW2. However, it has not been completely clarified what official documents were disposed and how the disposition was ordered taking what routes. In this article, using documents of the disposition order slightly left in Japan as a clue, It will be demonstrated that the target of disposition were two types-classified documents were ordered by the Ministry of Home Affairs and mobilization documents were ordered by the military and naval forces-. In addition, a study on classified documents and military affairs documents is not making progress in Japan. Therefore, this paper also mentions the structure of classified documents and military affairs documents to make that to be a foothold for future progress of study.
加藤 聖文
国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 (ISSN:18802249)
no.1, pp.1-27, 2005-03

敗戦時に大規模な公文書の廃棄が行われたために、現在の国や地方の行政機関では戦前期の公文書が少ないといった認識が一般的である。しかし、戦前の公文書は、戦後に引き継がれたものと戦後のある時期までに廃棄されたものの二つの系統があり、そして、廃棄されたものは、敗戦前に廃棄されたもの、敗戦時に廃棄されたもの、戦後に廃棄されたものの三つに分けられる。さらに、公文書には大きく分けて普通文書と機密文書の二種類があり、このうち敗戦時の廃棄の中心となったのは機密文書であり、一方、敗戦前と戦後に廃棄されたものは、文書管理規程に基づく通常の廃棄以外では、特殊な理由によって廃棄されたものがあった。本稿では、この通常の公文書のライフサイクルとは異なるかたちで戦時中から戦後までに公文書が大量に廃棄された実態を愛知県庁での事例を中心に検証する。通常のライフサイクルとは異なるかたちとは、敗戦前では、新庁舎の建設に伴う廃棄、戦時中の物資欠乏による廃棄、防空体制の強化による廃棄、文書の疎開に伴う廃棄といった要因が挙げられる。また、戦後では平時になったために戦時に作成された文書の必要性が無くなったことによる廃棄が挙げられる。このようなさまざまな要因によって行われた大規模な文書廃棄を通して見るなかで、すでに敗戦前に多くの文書が失われていたこと、そしてそのような行為を通して見るなかで、行政機関にとって文書の重要性に対する認識が研究者とは全く異なるものであることと、行政組織が生み出す公文書の実像を明らかにし、さらには、現代における公文書の廃棄問題、これからの公文書管理についてのあり方への問題提起を行う。Because a large quantity of official documents were destroyed at the time of defeat, a recognition that only a few prewar documents survive both in the central and local governments has been common. However, this kind of recognition should be reconsidered. Official documents of prewar days were usually treated in two ways. One part is what was taken over to the post war governments, and the other that abandoned before sometime in the postwar period. The latter can be classified into three types, i.e. those which had been abandoned before the end of war, those destroyed at the time of surrender, and those abandoned in the post war period.Furthermore, it should be noted that prewar official documents used to be roughly divided into 'normal documents' and 'secret papers'.The abandonment at the end of war was centered around 'secret papers', while 'normal documents' were abandoned during the war time and post war periods either by document management regulations regularly or in unusual ways for some reasons.The present paper verifies actual conditions of the abandonment of official documents from the wartime through the postwar period, in which documents were destroyed in unusual ways different from the normal disposal procedure based on the life-cycle concept of records, focusing on the case of Aichi Prefectural Government Office.Unusual disposals of official documents not based on the normal life-cycle procedure were: the abandonment of documents by the construction of a new government building; the abandonment for recycling paper caused by the lack of goods; the abandonment after the office reorganization for strengthening air defense; and the abandonment following the evacuation of documents. Moreover, in the postwar period, the prewar and wartime documents were considered to have lost their business value in peacetime, and were often abandoned.Through the above cases of large-scale abandonment of documents caused by various factors, the author reveals that many documents had already been lost before the end of war and discusses, by seeing such wartime activities of government agencies, that the recognition of government people about the importance of official documents is completely different from that of researchers. Lastly, the author insists of the importance to clarify the real image of official documents produced by administrative organizations, and raises problems to think about the abandonment of official document in the present age as well as about the management of official documents in the future.
須藤 圭
no.39, pp.23-38, 2016-03-17

The phrase “Onna ni te miru” appears in several volumes of The Tale of Genji. It is said to mean either “to look at a man as if he were a woman” or “to look at a man as if one were a woman.” In this presentation, I call into question the gender bias underlying the act of translation by examining the ways in which the phrase “Onna ni te miru” has been translated. The phrase “Onna ni te miru” has already been thoroughly investigated.Yoshikai Naoto’s “ ‘Onna ni te miru’ to kōzokubi (‘Onna ni te miru’ and Royal Beauty)” (Genji Monogatari no shinkōsatsu: ningen to hyōgen no kyojitsu (A New Investigation of The Tale of Genji: The Truth and Falsehood of Humanity and Expression), Ohfu, 2003) insists that the meaning of “Onna ni te miru” is simply to look on a man as a woman. In response to this, Royall Tyler’s “Dansei no imēji o oou josei no Beēru (A Female Veil that Covers the Image of a Man)” (Kōza Genji Monogatari Kenkyū 11 (Lectures on The Tale of Genji Studies 11) Kaigai ni okeru Genji Monogatari (The Tale of Genji Overseas), Ohfu, 2008) points out the difficulty of comprehending the hidden meanings in the motif of a man putting on a “female veil” based on the authors’ own experiences with English translation.However, the question of what form the phrase “Onna ni te miru” takes in English translation, for instance, has never been discussed. In translating “Onna ni te miru,” there are more options than simply “to look at a man as if he were a woman” or “to look at a man as if one were a woman.” It is sometimes translated as “to look like a woman” while maintaining male gender, or as “it would have been better if their genders were switched.” “Onna ni te miru” has been translated in numerous, varied ways.In this presentation, I will examine the roles the phrase “Onna ni te miru” has taken and the meanings it has assumed in various contexts including modern Japanese translations as well as multiple translations into foreign languages. By doing so, I will question the act of translation itself and attempt to investigate gender differences between Japanese and foreign languages as well as those between the Heian Period and today.
国文学研究資料館春季通常展示 和書のさまざま ――書誌学入門――
pp.1-42, 2007-04-16

日本の文学・歴史・思想は、《本》という形で受け継がれて来た、といっても過言ではないでしょう。本書では、《和書》のさまざまな形態を体系的に紹介しながら、日本の古典籍がどのように読み伝えられて来たのかを紹介します。It is no exaggeration to say that the Japanese literature, history, thought have been inheritedin the form called "the book". While introducing various forms of "the book" systematically,how Japanese classical books have been handed down was referred in this book.
pp.1-16, 2018-12-25

伊藤 陽平
国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
vol.51, no.16, pp.39-55, 2020-03-16

加藤 聖文 麻田 雅文 小林 昭菜 堀内 暢行

西口 正隆
国文学研究資料館紀要 アーカイブズ研究篇 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature, Archival Studies (ISSN:24363340)
vol.52, no.17, pp.43-61, 2021-03-29

本稿は、土浦藩土屋家を事例に、大名家が所持する刀剣の管理方法や管理担当者、管理 記録作成の意義を検討するものである。これまで美術史以外の観点から分析されることが 少なかったが刀剣であるが、武器や鑑賞品としてのみならず、贈答品としても重宝された 代物であり、その贈答経緯や管理体制を分析することは重要である。そこで本稿では、土 屋家の腰物帳(刀剣台帳)を分析し、刀剣管理体制や管理者の職掌、刀剣の移動・移管経緯、 記録作成の特徴と意義の解明を試みた。その結果、①土屋家の刀剣は小納戸方道具掛が取 り扱い実務を行い、藩の上層役人である用人が統括していたこと、②腰物帳の作成と刀剣 管理は、代替わりを見据えて行われていたこと、③刀剣の主な移動契機は、α贈答・譲渡、 β姻戚・養子入りによる持参、γ当主・親類の持出しであり、α・βが約半数を占めること、 ④管理時には既存の腰物帳に追記・削除を繰り返すことで刀剣の所在や伝来を受け継いで いたこと、が明らかになった。 In this paper, we examined the significance of the management practice of a sword, the management person in charge and the management record making. Japanese swords were rarely analyzed from the angle besides the art history up to now. But it won't be only as a weapon and enjoyment items, and it's important to be the something who also came in handy as presents and analyze the present process and control system. So we analyzed Japanese swords ledger of Tsuchiya family, and elucidated a control system of swords, administrator's work, movement of swords, the transfer longitude and latitude, the feature of the record making and the significance. As a result, we elucidated the following 4 points. ①"Konando kata dougukakari" treated Japanese swords of Tsuchiya family, "Yonin" supervised it. ②Making of a ledger and Japanese swords management contemplated and did a head of a family change. ③Main movement opportunity of Japanese swords is the following three points:αpresent and transfer, βbringing by inlaw and an adopted child arrive, bringing by a head of a family and a relative. Among these β accounts for about half. ④Addition and elimination were repeated in a ledger of existence and existence of Japanese swords and introduction were inherited.
丸島 和洋
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802249)
no.11, pp.33-52, 2015-03-13

本稿では、甲斐武田氏を素材に検討した大名間外交の取次構成(一門・宿老と当主側近)という形が、相模北条氏においても確認できることを明らかにする。その際、一門・宿老を「取次」、側近を「小取次」と新たに把握し直し、北条氏外交の特徴を論じた。特に着目したのは、①遠国大名と近国大名との交渉における取次のあり方の違いとその理由、②取次の立場からうかがえる権力構造の相違と変化、という点である。そこで明らかにした北条氏外交の具体的事例として、徳川氏との同盟を検討した。同盟交渉には3 段階の時期があり、北条氏規が取次をつとめた相三同盟段階(永禄12年~元亀2 年)、織田信長との外交を視野に入れ、北条氏照が氏規に取って代わった第一次相遠同盟段階(天正7 年~10年)、氏規が取次に復帰した第二次相遠同盟段階(天正10年~)の順に検討した。氏照が徳川氏担当取次になったのは彼の独断行動の可能性があるが、最終的に氏規がその地位を取り戻し、「取次・小取次」の態勢を調えた。徳川氏との外交は、近国大名との交渉である。このため、きめ細かい交渉が必要となり、早くに「取次・小取次」の形が整えられたといえる。外交面での「取次・小取次」の構成は、従属国衆への取次役「指南・小指南」と同一の構成であり、これが戦国大名北条・武田両氏の特徴である。最後に、「取次・小取次」が受け取った書状はどこに「集積」されるかを検討し、大名に進上されるわけではなく、書状を受け取った取次の家に伝来されるものであるという見通しを述べた。In this article, I investigates a negotiator who are responsible for “diplomacy" in the Hojo clan. I named “Toritsugi" the negotiators of a chief vassal and sept. I was designated as “Kotoritsugi" the negotiators of entourage. I discuss the characteristics of the “diplomacy" of the Hojo clan. Viewpoints is a difference between responsible for the Daimyo of the distant of “Toritsugi" and responsible for the Daimyo of the neighborhood of “Toritsugi". Then, being appointed a “Toritsugi" I consider someone. Based on the results, to analyze the power structure of the Hojo clan.As a concrete example, I pick up the alliance with the Tokugawa clan. For the Hojo clan,“diplomacy” and the Tokugawa clan can be classified into negotiations with the neighboring Daimyo. Therefore, it becomes necessary detailed negotiations, a combination of “Toritsugi" and “Kotoritsugi" is satisfied.Finally, I investigates the storage location of the letter that was sent to the “Toritsugi". Not be passed to the Daimyo letter. I describe the outlook letter that is stored at the home of “Toritsugi".
青木 稔弥 青田 寿美 神林 尚子 北村 啓子 木戸 雄一 ロバート キャンベル 小林 実 佐々木 亨 佐藤 至子 高木 元 高橋(山下) 則子 谷川 惠一 中丸 宣明 福井 辰彦 間城 美砂 柳 宗利 山田 俊治 山本 和明
国文学研究資料館 2006年度秋季特別展 仮名垣魯文百覧会展示目録
pp.1-49, 2006-11-01

平成18年10月17日~11月2日に開催した国文学研究資料館2006年度秋季特別展「仮名垣魯文(ROBUN)百覧会」の展示目録。仮名垣魯文を中心とする、幕末・明治開化期文学に照明を当てたもので、当館が平成10年(1998)に近代部門を設けて以来初めての、関連分野の蒐書展示となる。〈仮名垣魯文(ROBUN)の肖像〉〈江戸の残照〉〈開化の寵児〉〈報道する戯作者〉〈魯文の交友圏〉〈毎日新聞社新屋文庫蔵 魯文関連資料の紹介〉〈その他〉のテーマごとに、7ブロック・13セクションに分けて資料を展示。魯文が生きた波乱と変動の時代を背景に読み込みながら、魯文と同時代戯作者たちの群像を、彼らの文業と共に通覧した。
本多 康子
国文学研究資料館紀要. 文学研究篇 (ISSN:18802230)
no.43, pp.297-318, 2017-03

源頼光とその家来である四天王が土蜘蛛を退治する説話は、様々な文芸作品として享受され展開していった。土蜘蛛は、古くは記紀神話において朝廷に服属しない一地方勢力としてその存在が語られていたが、中世になり、お伽草子の武家物というジャンルの中で新たに妖怪退治譚として再構築された。この中世における物語文脈の転換を契機として、妖怪としての土蜘蛛退治の「語り」は、テクストの枠を超えて絵画や芸能へと裾野を広げて展開したのである。本稿では、特に中近世にかけての土蜘蛛退治譚の変遷と、それを題材に制作された絵画作品がどのように受容されたかを考察する。清和源氏を出自とする源頼光とその家来である四天王らの妖怪退治譚が、軍記物語に付随する伝承として生成されやがて独立した物語として発展した背景には、中近世にかけて軍記物語の古典化と周辺説話の再編成がなされたことが密接に関連する。とりわけそれらの最たる受容者であった「武家の棟梁」将軍家周辺による「語り」の管理と継承が及ぼした影響について着目し、「武家による妖怪退治譚」に仮託された政治性を読み解きたい。The tale of how Minamoto no Yorimitsu (948-1021) and his four faithful vassals vanquished the tsuchigumo, a proud band of warriors unwilling to submit to central authority, has been adapted into various genres of both art and literature. The Kojiki (Records of ancient matters, 712) and the Nihon shoki (Chronicles of Japan, 720) preserve tales of these recalcitrant warriors, describing them as dwelling on the periphery and spurning the authority of a growing court. During the medieval period, these accounts were adopted into a new genre of warrior tales (buke mono), where the tsuchigumo warriors took on the appearance of demonic rebels. Having once entered the realm of demonic villains, these same recalcitrant warriors became, as it were, too large for the confines of mere text. These fantastic tsuchigumo were promptly appropriated into the visual and performative arts, where they took on a number of interesting guises. This paper explores some ways in which tales of the tsuchigumo warriors were transformed throughout the early modern period, and how illustrated works based on these same tales were received in contemporary literature and art. While Minamoto no Yorimitsu's subjugation of the tsuchigumo began as but one short episode within a larger military tale, it was later elevated to the status of an independent narrative in its own right. This elevation was motivated by the canonization of military fiction, as well as the re-adaptation of related tales, which took place during the early modern period. The control and transmission of these tales was dominated, of course, by the shogunal family, the very people who most enjoyed these tales. This paper aims at probing the political significance of such tales insofar as they were simultaneously produced and consumed by the warrior class.
本多 康子
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802230)
no.43, pp.297-318, 2017-03-16

源頼光とその家来である四天王が土蜘蛛を退治する説話は、様々な文芸作品として享受され展開していった。土蜘蛛は、古くは記紀神話において朝廷に服属しない一地方勢力としてその存在が語られていたが、中世になり、お伽草子の武家物というジャンルの中で新たに妖怪退治譚として再構築された。この中世における物語文脈の転換を契機として、妖怪としての土蜘蛛退治の「語り」は、テクストの枠を超えて絵画や芸能へと裾野を広げて展開したのである。本稿では、特に中近世にかけての土蜘蛛退治譚の変遷と、それを題材に制作された絵画作品がどのように受容されたかを考察する。清和源氏を出自とする源頼光とその家来である四天王らの妖怪退治譚が、軍記物語に付随する伝承として生成されやがて独立した物語として発展した背景には、中近世にかけて軍記物語の古典化と周辺説話の再編成がなされたことが密接に関連する。とりわけそれらの最たる受容者であった「武家の棟梁」将軍家周辺による「語り」の管理と継承が及ぼした影響について着目し、「武家による妖怪退治譚」に仮託された政治性を読み解きたい。The tale of how Minamoto no Yorimitsu (948-1021) and his four faithful vassals vanquished the tsuchigumo, a proud band of warriors unwilling to submit to central authority, has been adapted into various genres of both art and literature. The Kojiki (Records of ancient matters, 712) and the Nihon shoki (Chronicles of Japan, 720) preserve tales of these recalcitrant warriors, describing them as dwelling on the periphery and spurning the authority of a growing court. During the medieval period, these accounts were adopted into a new genre of warrior tales (buke mono), where the tsuchigumo warriors took on the appearance of demonic rebels. Having once entered the realm of demonic villains, these same recalcitrant warriors became, as it were, too large for the confines of mere text. These fantastic tsuchigumo were promptly appropriated into the visual and performative arts, where they took on a number of interesting guises. This paper explores some ways in which tales of the tsuchigumo warriors were transformed throughout the early modern period, and how illustrated works based on these same tales were received in contemporary literature and art. While Minamoto no Yorimitsu’s subjugation of the tsuchigumo began as but one short episode within a larger military tale, it was later elevated to the status of an independent narrative in its own right. This elevation was motivated by the canonization of military fiction, as well as the re-adaptation of related tales, which took place during the early modern period. The control and transmission of these tales was dominated, of course, by the shogunal family, the very people who most enjoyed these tales. This paper aims at probing the political significance of such tales insofar as they were simultaneously produced and consumed by the warrior class.
落合 博志 神作 研一 恋田 知子
「書物で見る 日本古典文学史」解説 = Various Early Japanese Books ――Introduction to Bibliography――
pp.1-10, 2016-06-20

本展示では、上代から明治初期までの文学を、書物(古典籍)によってたどります。最近の研究動向にも配慮はしましたが、むしろ教科書でなじみの深い作品を 中心に据えて、文学史の流れを示しました。写本の表情や版本の風合いに触れながら、豊かな日本古典文学史の諸相をお楽しみください。This exhibition traces history of Japanese literature with books from ancient time to the beginning of Meiji period.We try to show the flow of Japanese literature history with familiar works as well as considering the recent study result. Please enjoy the various aspects of Japanese literature history as watching expression of manuscripts or texture of printed materials.
藤本 大士
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:18802249)
no.11, pp.99-120, 2015-03-13

本論文は、現在の日本における医療アーカイブズの現状と課題を概観し、今後の展望を示すことを目的とする。医療アーカイブズの構築にあたっては、医師をはじめとして医療記録に関わるさまざまなアクターの協力が不可欠である。そのため、その意義を広く知ってもらう必要があるが、その際に重要なのは訴えかける相手によって最適な説得方法を共有することであろう。本論文ではまず、患者や医師、政策立案者、そして歴史家という相手を想定し、それぞれに最適な訴え方とはどのようなものかを検討する。次に、医療アーカイブズの現状について、医療記録の分類に即しながら、それぞれのタイプの医療記録がどれほどアーカイビングされているかを確認する。このとき、日本の医療アーカイブズが直面する課題として、病院アーカイブズおよびオーラル・ヒストリー収集が十分に整備されていないことを指摘し、こういった課題を乗り越えるにあたって、イギリスおよびアメリカでの取り組みを紹介する。最後に、今後、日本における医療アーカイブズの展望として、何かしらのセンター的機関の設立を待つだけでなく、医学史研究者がアーキビストや隣接領域の研究者と協力していく必要があると提言する。This paper surveys the current archival situation of medical records in Japan. I first argue that, in order to construct medical archives, we need to gain support from diverse kinds of people who either affect or are affected by archives of medical records such as patients, physicians, policymakers, and historians. I suggest some rhetoric we could use to convince these parties that they should be invested in creating usable archives. Second, I examine what degree the medical records have been preserved, collected and arranged in Japan in terms of the various types of records. Then I point out that there has been less archival attention to hospital records and oral history on medicine so far, and introduce some cases in Britain and the United States where people have been working on these types of medical records.These cases could serve as potential models for Japan. Finally, I conclude that we need to encourage people not only to establish a center of medical history in Japan but also to reinforce the communication between archivists, historians of medicine and science, medical practitioners and citizens.
小林 健二
国文学研究資料館紀要 = National Institure of Japanese Literature (ISSN:03873447)
no.35, pp.55-80, 2009-02-27

劇中に登場する独武者の素性を解明する作業を通して、能《大江山》が酒呑童子諸本の中でも香取本「大江山絵詞」に拠って作られていることを確認し、その独武者が能《土蜘蛛》にも登場することから、能の世界で頼光物として連作されたことを考証した。さらに、「大江山絵訶」絵巻は室町将軍のもとで作成され、その周辺に伺候していた観世座の者によって《大江山》が作劇された可能性について考察した。By clarifying Hitorimusha's identity who appears in the Noh “Oeyama”, this paper proves that this Noh was created by Katoribon of “Oeyama-ekotoba” among various kinds of Shutendoji-monogatari's manuscripts. Since this Hitorimusha also appears in the Noh “Tsuchigumo”, I examine that these Nohs were written as series of Raiko-mono in the world of Noh. Then I consider that the picture scroll of “Oeyama-ekotoba” was made under the patronage of Ashikaga shogun, and there is a possibility that a certain person of Kanze school who was around Shogun composed the Noh “Oeyama”.
西村 慎太郎
国文学研究資料館紀要 = The Bulletin of The National Institure of Japanese Literature Archival Studies (ISSN:18802249)
no.07, pp.1-16, 2011-03-18

本稿では、天明8年(1788)に発生した天明の大火における朝廷や公家を事例として、罹災を通じた記録資料の意識と再生について検討した。近世の朝廷では記録資料の組織的な管理は行なっていない。それは構成員である天皇・公家の身分的安定のためであると考えられる。天皇・公家は排他的な血と知の継承のためには、合理的に朝廷運営・朝廷儀式を進めるためのツールとして、公日記などの記録資料が作成されることは極端に忌避していた。むしろ、個々の家で業務に関する日記を蓄積していった。そして、天明の大火に罹災した公家の事例として、高橋宗孝を事例として掲げた。高橋家には多くの記録資料や蔵書があり、目録が作られ、管理されていた。記録資料を保管するアーカイブズとして、「記録蔵」と称された土蔵があった。しかし、大火を防ぐことはできず、灰燼に帰した記録資料を目の当たりにし、愕然とした心情を吐露している。失われた資料を再生するため、宗孝は業務に不可欠な記録資料を早々に借用している。これは地下官人として円滑に業務を進めようとするためだ。さらに、大火直後、大金の書籍を購入している。おそらく、焼失した善本の回復を行なおうとする意識であろう。但し、自身の書写や購入だけでは間に合わず、「雇筆」による書籍のコピーが行なわれた。「雇筆」による書写は身分的安定を脅かすことにも成りかねないため、刊行されているものに限定されたものと思われる。The Imperial court in the early modern Japan did not manage their records systematically. Journals in which noble's business or rituals have recorded were stored in their individual houses.For example, Takahashi family, a court noble which fell victim to the fire, held, listed and managed massive records and books. They stored their documents in the repository called "storehouse of records" (kiroku gura).Munetaka Takahashi borrowed records indispensable in his duties soon after the fire in order to restore the lost documents and to continue business as a low-ranked officer. He also bought expensive books around the same time. It seems to be based on his desire for restoring treasured collection burnt down in the fire. He duplicated books by employing transcribers (yatoi fude) in order to complement books bought and transcribed by him.
王 勇
no.24, pp.1-15, 2001-03-01

The very interesting point is how Japanese were described in Chinese material and drawn in pictorial material. Waren (Japanese) in Zhigong Tu is said to be the oldest portrait of Japanese, but I would like to observe both literal and pictorial material focusing on the figure of members of kentôshi.It is well known in Japan that they had to be intellectual and handsome in order to become members of kentôshi. What kind of impression did they give to Chinese?First I would like to examine the member's image that Chinese had referring to description written in material about Awata no Mahito as handsome with dignity, Abe no Nakamaro as breathtaking handsome and Sakaibe no Okita as tall without much of hair. The meaning of "shintokukan (jindeguan)" that Awata no Mahito wore, the origin of the phrase of “breathtaking handsome” and the background of the phrase of “tall without much of hair” are especially considered.Secondary, I would like to take a look at Liben-tu in the tomb of Zhanghuai-Taizi, The Portrait of Jishi Zhangdan in Tokyo National Museum, Minghuang Huiqi-tu and the like. There are two theories; one is that the member on a mission drawn in Liben-tu is a man of Gaojuli. The other one is that he is a Japanese. I will guess which one referring to the literal material and presume the Japanese in The Portrait of Kishi-no Nagani drawn by Tang royal painters. A monk playing a game of go with Emperor Xuanzong in Minghuang Huiqi-tu should be examined with a Japanese monk, Benshô.Based on the literal and pictorial material listed above, I would like to consider the diplomatic significance that the figure of members to Tang gave in the ancient eastern Asia and emphasize the historical facts of the pictorial material.
中島 和歌子
国文学研究資料館紀要 (ISSN:03873447)
no.28, pp.1-40, 2002-02

『枕草子』には陰陽道に関する記事が少なく、仏教関係のそれの多さ、多様さと対照的である。一方『栄花物語』正篇は、『枕草子』と重なる時代・人物を描く部分を含めて、陰陽道に関する記述が多く、禁忌を重視し陰陽師を信頼する様子が描かれている。『枕草子』には、官人の陰陽師は固有名詞が見えないだけでなく、ほとんど描かれていない。その理由としては、視野の問題もあるが、出産を含む定子の危機そのものを一切記していない為に登場の機会がなかった、実際に道隆が兼家や道長・頼通ほどに禁忌を遵守し陰陽師を重用していなかった、験者や法師ほどには身近でなかった、といったことが考えられる。但し、記事は少ないものの、陰陽師に従う小童部や法師陰陽師、更には式神まで、陰陽師の周辺にいるものは取り上げられていた。これらは院政期の説話などには散見するが、陰陽道関係の記事が多様である『字津保物語』を含め、仮名にはあまり見られない。何かの理由で文学作品に取り上げられなかった風俗や言葉が、『枕草子』によって垣間見える一例である。また、『呪詛』の明記も珍しいが、伊周や高階氏による道長方呪詛の史実を考慮すると、記したことに挑発的意味あいが感じられる。物忌・方違については風俗としてそのまま受け入れる様子が見え、口実として利用することもない。しかし、呪誼、凶会日、物忌札や物忌の描き方においては、禁忌意識は薄い。また、これらの記事は連続して出てくることが多い。特定の物忌は、一条天皇四例、村上天皇・伊周・繁子・清少納言各一例で、定子の物忌は無い。伊周や清少納言の物忌は、定子との心の繋がりの確認の契機となっている。『蜻蛉日記』や『和泉式部日記』と愛情の種類は異なるが、表現方法は同じだと言える。 Not a lot of articles regarding Onmyodo in "Makura-no-soshi"(枕草子) exist. It is in contrast to the varieties of Buddhism ones. On the other hand, in the main part of "Eiga-monogatari"(栄花物語), there were many descriptions about Onmyodo that taboo was taken very seriously and Onmyoji was trusted, included the part which overlaps with the era and the characters of "Makura-no-soshi". Onmyoji who worked for government official were not only seen but also rarely written in "Makura-no-soshi". Possible reasons for it were, the crisis of Teishi including her delivery were not written down at all, therefore there was no opportunity of the appearance, actually compared to Kaneie, Michinaga and Yorimichi, Michitaka had not complied with taboo and had not given Onmyoji to the important position, it was not closer than trained Buddhist Priests and Hoshi. However there were few articles about Kowarawabe who served Onmyoji, Hoshi-onmyoji, furthermore, also Shiki-gami around them were taken up. These occasionally appeared in Setsuwa in Insei period, it was uncommon in kana including "Utsuhomonogatari(うつほ物語)" which had various Onmyodo-related articles in it. This is one example to catch a glimpse of the customs and words which were not referred in some reason by "Makurano-soshi". And specifying imprecation of 'Juso' is also rare and when the historical evidence of cursing Michinaga by Korechika or Takashina-uji were considered, it is possible to feel the provocative implications from there. In regards to Monoimi, Katagae, they were accepted as customs as they were, no use for excuse. However, regarding the way of describe Juso, Kuenichi, Monoimi-fuda, or Monoimi, there was less conscious of the taboos. Also these articles were often written repeatedly. As special Monoimi, four examples for Ichijo-tenno, one for Murakami-tenno, Korechika, Shigeko, Sei-shonagon each of them and none of Teishi's. Monoimi for Krechika or Sei-shonagon became the opportunity to connect with the heart of Teishi. Although the kind of love varied from "Kagero Nikki", (蜻蛉日記)"Izumishikibu Nikki"(和泉式部日記), this might be the same way of expression.