Сугино Юри
ロシア語ロシア文学研究 (ISSN:03873277)
no.34, pp.101-108, 2002

In the works of Pushkin after 1829, metaphors of beasts and animals, including call names and scornful names, increased remarkably. Especially, it is noteworthy that some metaphors of betlsts were linked to images of riots and epidemics. Among characters with the images of beasts Evgeny in "The Bronze Horseman," who placed a curse on the emperor's statue, and Pugachev in "The Captain's Daughter," who was a leader of farmers' revolt, were written as rebels against their nations. As we can see from his works and letters after 1829, Pushkin associated images of revolts, riots, rebels and epidemics with the images of beasts. This association of images was established by the influence of a dispute between the mountain natives and the Russian government while Pushkin was traveling in the Caucasus Mountains, and cholera and riots in the beginning of the 1830's. Pushkin gave three common characteristics to both Evgeny and Pugachev : 1) the metaphor of beasts, 2) entry together with a natural force such as a flood or a storm, 3) close linkage with black color, and a desire to indicate that they are extraordinary revolts exceeding social norms. Further, the writer integrated the symbol-allegory plan into "The Captain's Daughter," and gave Pugachev the image of a lion. The epigraph in chapter 11 of "The Captain's Daughter " created by the writer himself, functions as the theme that "Pugachev is a lion." In "The Bronze Horseman," he identifies Evgeny with a lion statue, which means Sweden opposed to Peter the Great, and gives an image of him as being against the Russian emperor. The lion image has both the image of a rebel, and of an opponent of the Russian emperor. This report first clarifies three common characteristics to both Pugachev and Evgeny. Next, the report examines the symbol-allegory plan and I want to show that the lion, a symbol of rebellion against the Russian emperor, was also applied to Pugachev, as well as Evgeny.