金城 克哉 きんじょう かつや Kinjo Katsuya
言語文化研究紀要 (ISSN:09194215)
no.22, pp.21-40, 2013-10

This paper tries to analyze characteristics of nine male genital expressions which often appear in gay-targeted erotic novels by applying multivariate statistics. Based on the observation of co-occurrence between these genital expressions and their accompanying verbs,it will be claimed that factor analysis identified three factors, namely, Chimpo factor,Chinko factor and Inkei factor,which express"virility or toughness","being embarrassed",and"organ" respectively. Also,principal component analysis reveals that"virility or toughness"is in the opposite end of"being embarrassed". Further, hierarchical cluster analysis will show us these nine expressions are grouped into three clusters. The academic discussion on these expressions is rare,so the analyses conducted in this paper contribute extensively to the study of sexuality-related expressions.