犬塚 潤一郎 イヌズカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inuzuka
vol.49, pp.53-64, 2012-03-10

To avoid a crisis that Marx predicted, capitalism has been improved. Fordism and the financial policy was achieved rapid development of industrial society. However, the market would naturally have physical limitations. Market is not able to be expanded indefinitely. Thecreation of the symbolic market, economic growth became possible to overcome this constraint.Symbols and credit creation technology, made possible the growth of the market, as it wareneutral to its own physical limitations. However, humanity and the earth continues to be aconcrete existence even if regarding the market as sign. As the limits of its contradictions,brought the crisis of global environmental crisis and human nature. On the criticism of theontological structure of these two crises, we must envision our new society.