犬塚 潤一郎
実践女子大学生活科学部紀要 (ISSN:13413244)
vol.50, pp.39-49, 2013-03-10

In today's society, due to the energy and resource crisis, we are facing industrial constraintsand financial crisis. This situation would be a turning point in the history of human civilizationand social model. When considering the turning point for civilization theory, post-industrial,information socialization, such as the model in terms of network-oriented society has beendiscussed. In order to convert the model relationship between human society and the naturalenvironment, we must criticize the model of networked society structurally. In this paper, wediscuss in terms of individual freedom as universal principles, libertarianism, autarky as openstructured, the structure of the symbolic world, and human capitalization.In today's society, due to the energy and resource crisis, we are facing industrial constraintsand financial crisis. This situation would be a turning point in the history of human civilizationand social model. When considering the turning point for civilization theory, post-industrial,information socialization, such as the model in terms of network-oriented society has beendiscussed. In order to convert the model relationship between human society and the naturalenvironment, we must criticize the model of networked society structurally. In this paper, wediscuss in terms of individual freedom as universal principles, libertarianism, autarky as openstructured, the structure of the symbolic world, and human capitalization.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌツカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inutsuka
vol.46, pp.43-59, 2009-03-01

Expression is the key feature of the post-modern model of culture today, not only in the field of industry but also the definition of man, comparing to Creation which is the key concept of the classic-western-modern model of the society and man. This essay is focused to the syntactic function of Narrator in classic Japanese literature text, as the tale of Genji, which is highly suggestive to study of post-modern expression technology. With referring to Vilem Flusser's philosophical approach to Tools and Chiyuki Kumakura's literary analysis to Genji, I tried to depict ontological structure of adjectival subject in Japanese language and cognition, as which would provide our ways of expressionist today.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌズカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inuzuka
vol.49, pp.53-64, 2012-03-10

To avoid a crisis that Marx predicted, capitalism has been improved. Fordism and the financial policy was achieved rapid development of industrial society. However, the market would naturally have physical limitations. Market is not able to be expanded indefinitely. Thecreation of the symbolic market, economic growth became possible to overcome this constraint.Symbols and credit creation technology, made possible the growth of the market, as it wareneutral to its own physical limitations. However, humanity and the earth continues to be aconcrete existence even if regarding the market as sign. As the limits of its contradictions,brought the crisis of global environmental crisis and human nature. On the criticism of theontological structure of these two crises, we must envision our new society.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌツカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro INUTSUKA
no.45, pp.21-39, 2008-04

How have we received "actual feeling" from the images which we see in our media-society? There is more what we see through media than that with which we actually meet. Media technology fills society with signs through reproducing a sign from a sign. For this mediological inquiry, I refer to Benjamin's "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction", comparing to other essays on photography as Barthes' and Sontag's, with the conceptual framework from Augustin Berque's mesological approach, which distinguishes three levels for the world; the earth, biosphere, and a level of milieu, and Jakobson's linguistic model of the sifter.
犬塚 潤一郎 イヌツカ ジュンイチロウ Jun-ichiro Inutsuka
no.47, pp.1-11, 2010-03-19

The theory of mediance, developed by Augustin Berque through synthesis of the ontology and the geography, inspired by the idea of Fudosei of Japanese philosopher and phenomenologist Tetsuro Watsuji, has a range to reorganize our relation to the environment, as called reconstituting the cosmos of human. In this essay, I will try to retranscribe his theory to solve the subject of modern society, especially focusing on the role of the university for solving the subject of business organizations and showing the draft of an educational program.