フレディアント 梶山 拓也 吉田 準史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
Dynamics & Design Conference
vol.2019, 2019

<p>Vibration reduction of vehicle is essential to improve the ride comfort. For evaluating the ride comfort, the vehicle vibration is occasionally analyzed in time domain. In this study, we propose a method to obtain the high contributing vehicle body vibration behavior deteriorating the ride comfort at a transient condition in time domain. We considered and applied two methods to realize the time domain analytical method. In the first method, we applied principal component (PC) analysis to the time domain vibration acceleration signals of the multiple body points at the transient condition to obtain the important vibration behavior. In the second method, we applied the PC analysis to the frequency domain signals and re-generated time domain signal by inverse FFT (IFFT). Through a simple vehicle vibration test at a transient condition and the comparison of the result, both methods were found to have ability to extract the high contributing body behavior at the transient condition but the second method utilizing IFFT was clarified to be more useful and accurate method.</p>
井上 一博 フレディ アント 吉田 準史
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
vol.2020, 2020

<p>In this study, we considered a method to extract a hammering sound in noise environment by removing the noise component using noise transfer function for carrying out correct inspection of the target construction. In the first experiment, hammering test was performed using two tiles (defective and normal tiles) with or without loud white noise from a speaker. Through the proposed method using two microphones (single response and reference microphones), the hammering sound could be extracted well as the sound without noise. Subsequently, another hammering test was carried out when a drone was operated as an instance of the driving noise. However, the method using two microphones could not extract the hammering sound accurately. Then, the number of the reference microphone was increased from one to four to catch the generated noise of each rotating blade. As the result, the hammering sound difference between normal and defective tiles could be grasped better.</p>