谷口 真理 上野 真太郎 三根 佳奈子 亀崎 直樹 角道 弘文
農村計画学会論文集 (ISSN:24360775)
vol.1, no.1, pp.17-28, 2021 (Released:2021-06-25)

We developed and executed a management plan for the extermination of the invasive turtle Trachemys scripta elegans in a closed water body as a case study in the moats of Sasayama Castle, Tanbasasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture. We captured turtles using 150 traps baited with fish during 11 trapping intervals between July 2015 and September 2015, for a total of 1650 trap nights. We used the number of individuals caught per trap (Catch per Unit Effort, CPUE) as a measure of removal effectiveness and found that the CPUE of the baited traps decreased from 1.10 to 0.10 by the end of trapping in 2015. Since 2016, we used two types of traps, baited traps and basking traps, the latter designed to take advantage of basking behavior. The median CPUE of basking trapswas 1.15, whereas the median CPUE of baited traps was 0.15, indicating that the basking traps were more effective even when baited traps were present. We captured significantly more females than males with baited traps (Chi-squared test, p<0.05), while basking traps used in conjunction with baited traps captured more juveniles (plastron length less than 50 mm) than the total number of individuals captured by basking traps. These findings suggest that for the effective removal of T. s. elegans, it is important to use a combination of different trapping methods.