中武 将幸 寺石 俊也 井出 誠
福岡医学雑誌 (ISSN:0016254X)
vol.101, no.9, pp.198-206, 2010-09-25

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is primarily indicated for mood disorders and schizophrenia. Clinicians may encounter cases in which ECT is administered to patients with various kinds of complications. However, to our knowledge, no detailed medical guideline is available about the indications for ECT in psychiatric illness complicated with a concomitant brain tumor, which is one of the most likely physical complications that can directly affect ECT. We report a case in which 3 courses of modified ECT (m-ECT) were successfully administered without any neurological deterioration to a patient, who was frequently hospitalized for recurrent depressive disorder with stupor. We did not undertake any additional measures for reducing adverse events derived from the meningioma during m-ECT. In this report, we discuss the relation between brain tumor and depression.電気けいれん療法(ECT)は,気分障害や統合失調症に対して,良好な成績を上げている治療法である.実際の臨床場面では,様々な身体合併症をもつ患者にECT を施行しなければならないことがある.ECT に対して直接影響を及ぼす身体疾患の一つが,脳腫瘍である.脳腫瘍を合併した精神疾患にECT を施行するための,有用な指針は存在しない.今回我々は,髄膜腫を合併したうつ病性昏迷の患者に対して,修正型電気けいれん療法(m-ECT)を行った.有害事象は生じず,完全寛解した.その後うつ病が再発を繰り返したため,m-ECT を,合計3コース行った.その経過を報告するとともに,髄膜腫とうつ病の発症やECT のけいれん閾値の関係について,文献的考察を行った.