伊藤 英史
純真学園大学雑誌 = Journal of Junshin Gakuen University, Faculty of Health Sciences (ISSN:21866481)
vol.6, pp.53-56, 2016

【要旨】EBM(Evidence-based medicine)とは「科学的根拠に基づいた医療」とされている. 現代の西洋医学は科学技術至上主義・科学偏重主義などと言われることもあるが, 一方では補完・代替・伝統医療などとよばれ哲学的・宗教的・芸術的に包括的な医療が全人的医療として注目されている. 本論文では「医療は本当に科学的であると言えるのか」について哲学的考察を試みた. 医療を医学よりも包括的な概念として捉えると, EBMは医療全体を指し示すのではなく医療の一体系であると考えられ, 医療は科学的要素も含むがそれが全てではなく, そのほかの哲学的・精神的・宗教的な疑似科学に分類されるような領域をも統合的に含めて医療と考える必要がある. 【Abstract】Ebidence-based medicine (EBM) is regarded as a discipline based on scientific foundations. In fact, modern Western medicine is at times accused of embracing technicism and scientism for its overemphasis on science. Meanwhile, so-called complementary, alternative, or traditional medicine-that empraces philosophy, religion, and the arts-has been garnering much attention as a holistic approach to medicine. This paper is a philosophical study that asks whether medicine truly is a scientific discipline. EBM should be considered a system within medicine, rather than medicine itself, if medicine is understood to be a more comprehensive concept than medical science. Although medicine includes scientific elements, it also covers areas that can be regarded as pseudoscience, such as philosophy, spirituality, and regligion. These fields must be included both modern Western medicine and alternative medicine when medicine is considered in a comprehensive manner.
伊藤 英史
純真学園大学雑誌 = Journal of Junshin Gakuen University, Faculty of Health Sciences (ISSN:21866481)
no.6, pp.53-56, 2017-03

【要旨】EBM(Evidence-based medicine)とは「科学的根拠に基づいた医療」とされている. 現代の西洋医学は科学技術至上主義・科学偏重主義などと言われることもあるが, 一方では補完・代替・伝統医療などとよばれ哲学的・宗教的・芸術的に包括的な医療が全人的医療として注目されている. 本論文では「医療は本当に科学的であると言えるのか」について哲学的考察を試みた. 医療を医学よりも包括的な概念として捉えると, EBMは医療全体を指し示すのではなく医療の一体系であると考えられ, 医療は科学的要素も含むがそれが全てではなく, そのほかの哲学的・精神的・宗教的な疑似科学に分類されるような領域をも統合的に含めて医療と考える必要がある. 【Abstract】Ebidence-based medicine (EBM) is regarded as a discipline based on scientific foundations. In fact, modern Western medicine is at times accused of embracing technicism and scientism for its overemphasis on science. Meanwhile, so-called complementary, alternative, or traditional medicine-that empraces philosophy, religion, and the arts-has been garnering much attention as a holistic approach to medicine. This paper is a philosophical study that asks whether medicine truly is a scientific discipline. EBM should be considered a system within medicine, rather than medicine itself, if medicine is understood to be a more comprehensive concept than medical science. Although medicine includes scientific elements, it also covers areas that can be regarded as pseudoscience, such as philosophy, spirituality, and regligion. These fields must be included both modern Western medicine and alternative medicine when medicine is considered in a comprehensive manner.