兼島 清 伊礼 宗信 Kaneshima Kiyoshi Irei Soshi
琉球大学理工学部紀要 理学篇 (ISSN:03874281)
no.11, pp.29-44, 1968-05

The purpose of the work reported here is to describe the chemical characters of the manganese nodules produced within the lateritic soil of the Ryukyu Islands.The major and minor components of the manganese nodules, such as manganese,iron, silica, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, copper and nickel were analyzed, and also crystal structure were observed by mean of X-ray diffraction method.The following results were obtained. The characteristics of manganese nodules in the lateritic soil is that they contain ll.6%~24-9% of manganese dioxide 18.2% on the average, which is smaller than in other manganese ore. Copper and nickel content in the manganese nodules of lateritic soil is 0.009% on the average and it has a remarkable linear relation to the content of manganese dioxide, and also there exists inverse proportion between the amounts of copper or nickel and silica or iron. In order to see why manganese dioxide content were almost proportionalto copper or nickel contents, copper solution (0.8mg/100m1) were treated with manganese dioxide. It was found that copper ion was remarkably absorbed by manganese dioxide, and it was inferred that copper and nickel were concentrated into manganese nodule by absorption from the subtropical lateritic soil. X-ray diffraction suggests that the manganese nodules of lateritic soil consist of amorphous manganese dioxide.
兼島 清
公益社団法人 日本化学会
化学と教育 (ISSN:03862151)
vol.36, no.2, pp.162-165, 1988

子供のころはやんちゃ坊主でいたずら好きだった私は, それがエスカレートして化学の実験に興味を覚え, 化学の道に進んでいった。戦後宮古島で軍の残した変性アルコールのドラム缶のメチルを分析し, メチルの入ってないものを選別し, 木炭で精製して, 飲用の可能性を人体実験によって確め, それをもとに大宴会を催すなど奇抜なことをやり, 若いころがむしゃらに生き抜いた。琉球大学の創設にかかわり, 無の状態から出発して化学教室を作りあげた。研究では天然ガス付随水の分析から, 天然ガス埋蔵の可能性や温泉としての利用の口火を開いた。東京工業大学に内地留学し, リン鉱の地球化学的研究に打ち込み, 化学の研究のすばらしさを知り, 未知の世界の探求者に最高の喜びのあることを知った。日本南極観測隊に参加し, 南極の美しさを満喫し, スライドに収めて沖縄の青少年に南極の感動を語り激励している。