加藤 淳平 カトウ ジュンペイ KATO Jumpei
山形大学大学院教育実践研究科年報 = Bulletin of graduate school of teacher training Yamagata University (ISSN:18848893)
no.4, pp.138-145, 2013-02-16

This research focuses on dialogue and reflection. In lesson study, the workshop called Unconference has no-borders between teachers and learners. The result of the workshop showed that active form of dialogue made all the participants become autonomic learners. The teachers came to realize the efficiency of reflection and find it a different learning experience. Learners in supportive environments have high levels of self-efficacy and self-motivation and use learning as primary transformative force. [キーワード] 対話, 内省, 学習環境デザイン, アンカンファレンス