原 弘巳
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1987, no.56, pp.29-41, 1987-11-10 (Released:2010-05-07)

Though mutual 'trust' between the child and the educator is the prerequisite of education, it has never been the main topic of research. This paper aims at questioning the problem of 'trust' in depth in the light of the comtemporary situation by relying on M. Buber. Children can respond with their entire self to the demands of contemporary society only when in an eminent sense of trust between the child and the educator has been established. This trust can be understood at several levels. At each of those levels the educator especially must make a constant effort to trust the child, to trust oneself and the other being. In this effort the educator in turn, can be richly rewarded by the child. Therefore the quest for trust turning into the quest of mutual formation of the child and the educator must reach an ever deeper dimension. But this will be the object of further research.