青木 伊知郎 貴島 勝郎 古川 芳孝 名切 恭昭
公益社団法人 日本船舶海洋工学会
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
vol.3, pp.157-165, 2006 (Released:2006-12-26)
5 4

Since International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted "The Standards of Ship Maneuverability" as IMO Resolution MSC.137(76), the ship maneuverability is evaluated under this standard. Therefore, we have to know the accurate ship maneuvering characteristics at the design stage, especially the initial design stage. On the prediction method of ship maneuverability, there are many papers for estimating method of the maneuverability of a ship based on the model test, but there are few papers for predicting the maneuverability of a full-scale ship practically. The authors have already proposed the simple, accurate and practical prediction method for the ship maneuverability of model ship. So, we need to develop the practical prediction method for ship maneuverability of a full-scale ship in the deep water. In this paper, we propose the approximate formula of the interaction coefficient, γ and ωR0, obtained by comparing the predicted maneuvering motion with the measured results of the sea trial for twelve full-scale ships. We confirm the effectiveness of the practical prediction method using the approximate formula of the interaction coefficient for ship maneuverability of a full-scale ship. Though this approach must be validated in many kinds of ship as the next step, it will be expected that this method is very useful for predicting ship maneuvering characteristics at design stage on conventional ship.
古川 芳孝 貴島 勝郎 茨木 洋 池田 渉 松永 祐樹
日本船舶海洋工学会論文集 (ISSN:18803717)
no.1, pp.151-158, 2005-06

Navigational safety is highly demanded in order to prevent marine accidents. However the reduction of personnel expenses is enforced recently to reduce total transportation cost and it means that the securement of crew who have an excellent skill becomes difficult. So the increase of sea disaster accident originated with the degradation of skill of sailors is concerned in the future and the introduction of an automatic navigation device is the one of the solution of such a problem. In this paper, the improved algorithm to avoid colliding with a stopping ship is proposed. The effect of parameters on evasion navigation is examined by numerical simulation. Furthermore, model experiments were carried out using Real-time Kinematic GPS (RTK-GPS) at pond to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm for automatic collision avoidance. It is shown that the collision avoidance system functions well both on numerical simulation and model experiments.