呉 穎濤
国立大学法人 大阪大学グローバルイニシアティブ機構
アジア太平洋論叢 (ISSN:13466224)
vol.23, pp.3-20, 2021-03-19 (Released:2021-03-19)

Abstract This essay addresses the problem of memory and forgetting in Chu Tien-hsin's novella “The Old Capital.” In “The Old Capital,” the heroine called “you” is a second-generation mainlander in Taiwan. With the transition of power from mainlander government to inlander government, the heroine has to face the problem of erasure of memory due to the political manipulation in the name of “localization” by the inlander government. This essay reads the heroine's status of existence illustrated in “The Old Capital” by using the critique of place-basedness, a key concept in Sinophone studies. Place-basedness refers to the complex but unique history of Taiwan as a place that allows pluralistic imagination of its inhabitants. By showing both the cultural and political sides of the heroine's peculiar status of existence in Taipei, which is as a minor within the periphery of the greater China, this essay aims to shed light on the tactics of historical narrative of individuals who cannot be identified by relatively stable concepts based on the discourse of “Chineseness,” such as nationalism and languages, thereby providing insight, namely tactics of political intervention of memory and identity formation, into understanding of minor Sinophone literatures.