唐木 誠一
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2000, no.13, pp.38-49, 2000-06-05 (Released:2010-04-21)

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relation between ‘Sciences of Complexity’ and ‘Social System Theory’ To date, numerous attempts have been made by sociologists to demonstrate what Parsons, T. and Luhmann, N. intended in their theory. But little attention has been given to an examination of the relation between ‘System Theory’ and their ‘Social System Theory’. Therefore I will attempt to clarify the following three issues. The first issue to be discussed is a survey of the history of System Theory, specifically, I would like to point out that Sciences of Complexity ensues from Bertalanffy's General System Theory. The second issue is to demonstrate which aspects of System Theory Parsons and Luhmann introduced into their theories. Finally, I will describe the present state of ‘Social System Theory’ and ‘Sciences of Complexity’.