四十九院 仁子 四十九院 静子
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.21, no.2, pp.159-165, 2010-09-30 (Released:2010-10-27)

In recent years the globalization of foods has advanced by progress of the media. A model for foods and health, which is called by Western countries the ‘Mediterranean style’ has been reported, and is also of interest in Japan. Most studies, however, have not focused relationship between the dietary habits of Greece and Greek annual events. Therefore we examined Easter of Greek Orthodox (Πáσχα), and the Greek food-culture, which is concerned with customs or events in a city and local provinces.  As a result, the following was clear—in the city it seemed that the following of such customs faded through the people' s senses of value being diversified by change in their life style, while people living far from their home return and celebrate Easter, and offered barbecue and a variety ram meats, and followed the old customs in the provinces.  Dietary habits are influenced by the climate and religion of each race. All the same, it was found that there were common points between the events of the Greek Orthodox Easter that was based on old agriculture rites and important Japanese events, such as Shogatsu or Bon.
四十九院 仁子 四十九院 静子 山口 大介
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.22, no.2, pp.159-165, 2011-09-30 (Released:2011-10-27)

Greek culture has had an enduring influence on the West⁄Western countries. There is an abundance of studies on ancient Greek language as well as philosophy and arts. However, there is comparatively very little reported on the topic of food culture, especially those related to the traditionally celebrated annual events. Therefore, we examined the Greek Orthodox Δωδεκαη´μερο to study the celebratory food culture among the people living in urban areas and in rural provinces of Greece.   The outcome of this study pointed out the following. In the urban areas there is a weakening of observances of traditional customs. This is likely due to diversification of life-style tends to change people′s sense of values. On the other hand, in the rural province, a traditional celebratory food,Kοτο´σουπα, has always been cooked for annual events. It became evident that food culture is influenced by the natural setting as well as by the religious environment that surround various groups of people.