地震観測班 the Seismometrical Section
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.44, no.1, pp.309-333, 1966-07

1965年8月3日に始まつた長野県松代町附近の地震群は,気象庁松代地震観測所の標準地震計(電磁式最高倍率10万)により観測された報告によると, 8月7日頃には地震回数が100を越し,9月28日になると500回以上となった. 11月に入ると地震活動は顕著となり,地震回数が1000回以上にも達する日があり,有感地震は地鳴を伴つて日に100回以上を記録する日が多くなつた.ことに11月22~24日の地震活動は顕著で,震度IVの地震3回を含めて地震回数は2000回以上となり,有感地震回数は223回と報告されている.さらに震度IVの地震により松代地域では軽微な被害を生じた(Table 1).
地震研究所地震観測班地震計測部 the Seismometrical Section
東京大学地震研究所彙報 (ISSN:00408972)
vol.45, no.3, pp.887-917, 1967-11

The Matsushiro earthquake swarm commenced in August 1965 and continues even at present when more than a year and a half has passed since the outbreak. For the sake of convenience, we divided the activity of this earthquake swarm into four stages. The first stage of activity: This was the period from the outbreak of the earthquake swarm to February 1966, the highest peak of the activity occcurring in November 1965. The main shocks took place around Mt. Minakami, especially on its southwestern side, during this period. Shocks were not felt so frequently as later at Hoshina at that time. The second stage of activity: This began in March 1966 and continued to the beginning of June 1966. The activity at this time was most violent throughout the whole period, the area of seismic activity extending to a broader area of Matsushiro and Wakaho. In April 1966, the frequency of earthquakes reached the maximum throughout the whole period and large shocks with intensity of IV or V on the JMA scale took place frequently, inflicting some damage on dwelling houses and other constructions in this area. The third period of activity: This continued from August to October 1966. The seismic active area in this period was mainly at Matsushiro and Wakaho as was in the second period but it extended gradually to the eastern part of Koshoku and to the northern part of Sanada. Large shocks with intensity of IV or V on the JMA scale also occurred during this period. In November 1966, the frequency of earthqakes decreased greatly compared with the previous month and large shocks also did not take place. The fourth stage of activity: We call the period from January to the present the fourth stage of activity. The special feature of this stage was that the earthquakes that had clustered in the area of Matsushiro in the earlier stages of activity decreased in number remarkably, while the seismic area extended widely northeastward and southwestward, many shocks taking place in a part of Wakaho and in the southern part of Mt. Kamuriki. This paper will compile the result of our seismographic observation carried out during the period from December 1966 to February 1967 as the fourth report continuing from our previous ones. The seismographs used at each station were the HES 1-0.2 electromagnetic seismograph and the Ishimoto acceleration seismograph, of which the constants were indicated in Table 1 in our second report. The members of the Institute who participated in the field observation were: T. Hagiwara S. Saito, I. Karakama, M. Watanabe, T. Takahashi and Y. Ishikawa and the members of the Institute engaged in interpretation and analysis of seismograms being: T. Hagiwara, T. Iwata, K. Makino, N. Kamata, M. Kino, Y. Miura and R. Kawashima.1965年8月3日に始まる長野県松代町地域の群発地震は, 1967年2月28日に至る19カ月を,4つの地震活動期に分けて考えることができよう.第1期の地震活動 発生より1965年11月に至る期間で,このときの主な有感地震の発生地域は皆神山の周辺,特にその南西部で,大きな地震はすべてこの地域に発生した.なお,第1期では若穂町保科週辺に極めて少数の有感地震が認められている.