執行 秀幸
中央ロー・ジャーナル (ISSN:13496239)
vol.16, no.4, pp.49-74, 2020-03-31

Cognitive science learning approaches can assist students in learning to solve civil law cases problems. The primary goal when studying civil law is resolving case problems, but many law students find this difficult. Moreover, in the absence of a clear standard for the studying civil law in our country, students have tended to rely on intuition and experience. This has not always resulted in effective learning. Recent cognitive science research has revealed quite a bit about learning mechanisms. These insights could be applied to civil law studies. In Japan, however, cognitive science research has rarely been considered in the design of civil law curricula or in setting teaching and learning guidelines. This paper details cognitive science learning mechanisms and how they can be harnessed for more effective learning. It gives civil law examples to demonstrate the difficulties associated with learning to solve civil law case problems. Then, it proposes guidelines for effective civil law learning strategies.